Dear the television show “Revolution” - First, I want to - TopicsExpress


Dear the television show “Revolution” - First, I want to tell you that I am big fan of post-apocalypse stories. Jeremiah, Jericho, Mad Max etc… There are a ton of them of course… I also like science fiction as well not to mention the Civil War. Maybe I’m not a huge twilight fan but that certainly isn’t Billy Burkes fault… and Giancarlo Esposito is always an awesome bad guy! So I read the synopsis of your show on Netflix and I thought to myself “self, you will very likely think this is a super cool show, and you will placate us with excuses for the inevitable flaws…”. Hmmmmm…. Television show “Revolution”, how does one come so close and miss by so much? Obviously you had some money. Most (most) of your actors are top notch. Your sets, awesome! Effects? very big explosions? Bravo! What about costumes? Well perhaps there may be a few more tears and wear on some of the non-military clothing for being worn for 15 years, through an apocalypse, but you know what? That’s OK. No problem, doesn’t really matter. The styles were good. The overall story parallels were good too. North vs South, the Civil War, Brother vs Brother… cool, cool. I also liked that you really glossed over religion in general. Refreshing, thank you for that. OH! and the sciency stuff, neat. I liked that too. (no spoilers here, so I’ll just say it was neat). You had SOO much going for you. You were born on third base… I think there may have been a few technical things here and there… like you don’t actually need electricity to run an engine… While fuel may be hard to come by there probably would be a few wealthy car owners and even some older planes zooming around here and there. And while there were some horses trotting about I would imagine they might be a bit more common overall… Oh, and slaves? Yeah, that’s the exact thing you would use the horses for. (no spoilers, but Revolution knows what I’m talking about…) You almost got the guns issue right, at least in the flashbacks… Once the Republic had been established though the bullet issue would have been solved pretty quickly. Reloading is not terribly difficult and they clearly had the resources to do it. Guns are unbelievably plentiful so the government would have no shortage at all (since they collected them all…) so I was wondering why so many of the soldiers didn’t carry one. I also noticed that about half way through the first season you sort of changed that and gave everyone machine guns and plenty of ammunition, so maybe you realised the same thing and just quietly changed it. That’s cool, I can live with that. I also like that you mostly avoided the way-to-common mistake made in most TV shows and Movies- the “Kill a guy with cool stuff but don’t take any of it” also known as the “Never pick up a dead persons gun” sometimes referred to as “Shoot someone then through my gun on the ground and run away” Good job there… Again though, I’m all about glossing over minor mistakes most of the time and all this stuff is trivial really. Not a big deal, just making conversation… Don’t sweat it. If these were my only issues I would give you 9.5 stars. All of your qualities should have taken me away to fantasy story land. But something kept pulling me back… not every now and then mind you. Almost constantly. There was this one issue that not only made it difficult to recognise your good qualities and your potential but actually tarnished them into forgetfulness. So I pose my question to you television show “Revolution” Here it is: Why are your characters so UNBELIEVABLY STUPID!!!!!!!!! Not only do they make the absolutely worst decisions at almost every opportunity, they don’t even make the wrong decision that is consistent within their own characters!!! The things they do, at almost every turn, are way beyond dumb, they do things that don’t make any sense at all. Not for anyone. It’s not as if I’m looking at something they don’t know about and blurring those lines, oh no, they just do the opposite of what is a good idea (or even a “not idiotic idea”) relative to who and where they are at any time and place. They aren’t even consistent with there own stupid decisions, they do one thing one day and another the next that is dichotomous to the idiotic thing from the previous day and yet still manages to be wrong in both situations! I find myself actually wanting the main characters to lose. When a tense situation is resolved at the last moment and someone is saved, I don’t breath a sigh of relief as you certainly intended, I slump in disappointment… I also noticed that most (not all the stupidity mind you but most) is centered around the main character Charlie and her mother Rachel and how people act when interacting with them. Is it supposed to be genetically handed down through the genes of the Matheson females? Maybe not, everyone has there ray of stupid blazing bright, but those two really outshine the rest to the point of me finding myself loathing their screen time. I actually Hate their stupid faces now! Thank you television show “revolution” for absolutely creating the stupidest and most inconsistent and irritating characters on Television today. I can now watch anything else at all and, no matter how bad it gets, I can say to myself “Self, chill out, at least they aren’t acting like those two idiots from Revolution…” my 2c -Will
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 20:37:23 +0000

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