** Dear - TopicsExpress


** Dear Friends: ------------------------------------------------------------ You may remember - a year ago this week - we held our 1st Intl. Youth Job Creation Summit (peacechild.org/jobsummit/ here in London. One of the 5 themes was: International Cooperation - and this thematic group came up with a recommendation for a Global Coalition for Youth Employment. We have worked hard with partners in the intervening 12 months, and today: Its OFFICIAL!! A New Global Coalition for Youth Employment will be announced on Wednesday 8th October, 11.30 to 13.30 in the Wolfensohn Atrium of the World Bank Headquarters in Washington DC. And we are ALL invited! It is a HUGE atrium - and the World Bank team who have been working on it want to fill it to the rafters with youth - activists - educators - business people - academics - ANY ONE and EVERY ONE with an interest in solving that question we raised at our Summit last year: How are we going to create a billion new jobs for youth over the next decade? So - Please! - if you are in or near Washington DC - do go along. All you have to do is to register your intention to attend at:[INS: https://surveymonkey/s/newcoalitionforyouthemployment :INS] - and this will give you access to the venue. Do it by the deadline of: September 26, 2014. If you cannot attend in person, you can register at the same address for the Live Webcast - to be broadcast on: live.worldbank.org(https://surveymonkey/s/live.worldbank.org And please publicise these opportunities to your networks - and to individuals and NGOs whom you think may be interested, especially those in the National Capital Area whom you think might be persuaded to attend. You might also send a note of Congratulations to the team who have achieved this organisational breakthrough at the World Bank: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]%20) & [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]%20) . State your support and ask to be kept on the mailing list to ensure you are updated with what the new Coalition achieves. Here at PCI - we are waiting on news of the containment of the Ebola epidemic in Guinea before announcing a new date for our 2nd Intl. Youth Job Creation Summit / World Youth Congress at which we will be discussing the Conakry Commitment to Full Youth Employment by 2030. Meanwhile - you can get involved in the online development of this document by contacting Liz Weiner at: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) With very best wishes, David R. Woollcombe, Convenor, International Youth Job Creation Summit Founder and President, Peace Child International
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 00:17:09 +0000

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