Dear voters, and non voters. Are you willing to print trillions - TopicsExpress


Dear voters, and non voters. Are you willing to print trillions more to bail out big banks who use derivatives to hedge their investments and counter derivatives in case the derivatives fall in value. This issue was addressed in the Dodd-Frank reform by requiring these banks to keep their gambling isolated from funds guaranteed by the FDIC. When big banks lose as in 2007, they look to taxpayers to bail them out. I am certain you have not forgotten that lesson. Many said let the banks go bankrupt but that would not b wise. We need good transparent banking and investment otherwise citizens and foreign entities will not view their investment is safe. Dodd-Frank did bring a tiny amount of regulations and now the Republican has already eliminated some of the provisions of investment reform that puts the risk on the taxpayer. If I went to Vegas and lost a billion two, no problem when I have the U.S. TREASURY to back my bets. Keep this in mind for the next election cycle. Republicons did not waste any time passing. Legislation in backroom deals to fleece the Taxpayer. When taxpayers stay at home and do not vote is sad, but allowing Republicon ethics to predominant is our fault. Check this video..... it is enlightening.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 15:21:59 +0000

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