Dear young people, this is a point that I cannot stress enough. - TopicsExpress


Dear young people, this is a point that I cannot stress enough. Its something that is one of the most basic Biblical principles regarding relationships, but one that has been so easily forgotten these days. Do NOT enter into a relationship where you are unequally yoked. For those of you who dont know what that means, heres the definition: When oxen are unequally yoked, they cannot perform the task set before them. Instead of working together, they are at odds with one another. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, Paul compares this to our spiritual lives in regards to relationships. So, what exactly IS unequally yoked, and how will you know when you are in an unequally yoked relationship? When youre in an unequally yoked relationship, you will know because The Holy Spirit will tell you. It may take time for you to come to grips with this, but eventually things will come to light. God will reveal this if you just listen. You will know because this persons lack of desire to grow closer to The Lord will do one of two things: Cause that person to alienate themselves from you or you to alienate yourself from them and the relationship will dissolve, OR they will choke the passion out of your spiritual life and they will destroy YOUR desire to grow closer to The Lord util that poisonous relationship is dissolved and you can begin to heal, and grace will reach out and draw you back in. Unequally yoked isnt merely a relationship with a Non-Christian, it is any relationship where people do not see eye-to-eye on the key issues concening a relationship, such as purity, faithfulness, and the importance of a Christian foundation for the relationship. I know what youre thinking: He (or she) and I dont see eye-to-eye, yet. But Im going to stay with them and be the example to them, Im going to get them saved through our relationship! Stop that, right now. Missionary dating is dangerous. Its a slippery slope that leads nowhere except spiritual death. If this even becomes a question in the relatonship, run. In the end, your spiritual health is the most important.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 16:20:33 +0000

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