DearFB Friends, Please contaCt your US Senators to help return NSA - TopicsExpress


DearFB Friends, Please contaCt your US Senators to help return NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden. See my letter and details below. Activist Love to all ~ Paul US Senator Michael Bennett contact info: Denver Metro Office1127 Sherman St., Suite 150Denver, Colorado 80203 Phone: (303) 455-7600Toll Free: (866) 455-9866 Steal My Letter to Senator Michael Bennett and make it your own..... FEEL FREE to just do it! Here it is. Help yourself! November 1, 2013... Dear Senator Bennett, I regard Edward Snowden not as a criminal, but as a whistleblower and a hero who requires your personal and official action to protect him from illegal prosecution by some portions of the US Government. Please consider my letter below as published on the internet recently to express my appreciation to Mr. Snowden and my deep concern about the over-reach of the NSA, CIA, military intelligence units, and even some in the US diplomatic corps. All these facts we see more clearly now thanks to Mr. Snowden’s actions, bravery and citizenship. Mr. Snowden’s actions have prompted valuable and necessary debate about the improper role of US surveillance agencies, debate both here in the US and across the world. This controversy continues with more revelations weekly. Much in the news this week is the US spying on Germany, Brazil and scores of other governments and world citizens. As documentation, I urge you to review this 45 minute segment on NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden published this week by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now… I am formally asking you via this letter to contact Secretary of State John Kerry to advise him to restore the US Passport of our fellow citizen Edward Snowden. Please advise me of your position and actions to protect NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. I hope you are willing to a leadership role in this issue. Thank You, Paul Riederer-------------- Letter of Thanks to Edward Snowden from Paul Susan Riedererear Edward Snowden. Thank You! You are amazing. You are our hero here in Boulder, Colorado and across the USA. We love you. We appreciate your personal sacrifice and sheer gumption to come out with the truth as you did. Because of your bravery the American citizens now realize the extent of domestic surveillance being conducted by some of the out-of-control segments of the US Government. A national poll released today August 2, shows that more than 55% of Americans view you as a Whistleblower who is doing the right thing. We wish you were not being persecuted by the US government, but we are hopeful for further scrutiny of the US surveillance and security community now that a bi-partisan group in the Congress is beginning investigations of the over-reach of the NSA and other domestic surveillance ops. Here in the US heartland, we the citizens are celebrating your awareness, conviction and courage! We know that National Security is a smokescreen for secrecy needed to hide from public knowledge the corporate and government fraud and abuse in diplomatic, military and financial arenas. We’ve read the escalating revelations over the years, from the Pentagon Papers released by Daniel Ellsberg; to “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins; to the more recent “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy” by Greg Palast; “Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism,” by Ha-Joon Chang; and “Globalization and Its Discontents” by Joseph E. Stiglitz. And we realize the extent of the integration of the surveillance and military communities and the threat they pose to domestic and international freedom. We realize how the United States Government and corporate America work hand in hand to dominate international relations through greed and corruption as tools maintain American hegemony and inhibit foreign governments from economic development that might compete with our dominance. Mr. Snowden, your choice to give freedom to Americans by publicly releasing secret documents being illegally held by US agencies and diplomats is an excellent addition to freedom and democracy in the US and around the world. A large majority of us agree you did the right thing, and you should not be prosecuted but celebrated! Thanks to you public outrage is growing each day. And thank You Russia for granting a one year asylum to Edward Snowden. And Thank You Wikileaks for helping to spread the word. Thank You Amy Goodman at Democracy Now for broadcasting the details of this courageous whistleblower. Many of us contribute funds to support WikiLeaks ( ) and Democracy Now ( ). And now we are contacting our Senators and Representatives demanding immediate action and follow through to curtail the abuses your brave actions have revealed. Deep gratitude and appreciation to you Edward Snowden. Sincerely, Viet Nam Veteran, 31-year government worker, and social justice and human rights advocate in Boulder, Colorado, USA, Paul Riederer
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 17:20:57 +0000

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