Dearest Ben, Here we are on our 17th anniversary. We have no - TopicsExpress


Dearest Ben, Here we are on our 17th anniversary. We have no big plans today. No grand gestures. We’re pretty busy and will probably have to save most of the celebrating for this summer when there is a little more time, or at least fewer directions we’re going. Today will be fairly normal, except that I’ll be thinking a little more about you, and us, and seventeen years of happy marriage. To say we’ve been happy is an understatement at best. I can’t believe it has been seventeen years? Of course I believe it. I knew from the get-go that we were going the distance. I suppose that everyone thinks they are going to “make it” when they start out in marriage. The reality of it is this: you and I will always be central to one another in every conceivable way. Seventeen years? We’re just getting going… We were meant to be! This is a tough one. I’m not sure I’m convinced that there is a “one and only” out there for everyone. There are roughly 7 billion people on the earth. Finding “the one” seems like a pretty tall order. Though I can’t imagine being anywhere near as happy being married to someone else, I’d bet that you could have found someone else and been very happy. I’m pretty average and you adapt well, so you would have been fine. But, with all of that said, I do believe that now, and starting seventeen years ago, you and I were meant to be. You are my one and only. I don’t wonder about life with anyone else. I just spend my time wondering about what I can do to make ours better. We’ve been through so much together! True, but this sentence never actually does justice to what a couple has actually lived through. What does “so much” mean? We’ve endured five boys, we’ve lived through night-shifts, finals weeks, lost wedding rings, sleepless nights of sick children, financial strain and financial ease, differing opinions. “So much” doesn’t begin to describe it. And the “so much” that we’ve lived through doesn’t begin to describe what it coming. We’ll be sick. We’ll have more financial worries. We’ll worry about our children and their children and their children. Death will make an entry at some point. We’ll lose parents, posterity, and at some point, one of us will step across the veil and leave the other behind for a while. I really hope that we leave this life relatively close to one another, but I hope I go first; I can’t stand the thought of being alone here without you. Yes, we’ve been though some things and we’ll go through some things. But we’ll always have each other. I love you forever!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 23:33:37 +0000

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