Dearest Michel, I am up and with my coffee, thought of you and New - TopicsExpress


Dearest Michel, I am up and with my coffee, thought of you and New Years Resoltutions to please you too DARLING, I hope you might be skiing and I can do that too*, I did a blue black first time out at Winterpark Colorado at age 21 and never did ski in snow again, I also water ski two not slolum, I wonder if you might be in Switzerland, I heard they have the best powder, I am part Swiss you know with love through my Mom, and in PTPI I entertained one lady and she was Swiss red head and I took her to the Dallas Zoo, and she was nice to me and Adam and Anna.~ I have met so many even Russians a group of business people we did the Pink Elephant Salooon in Ft. Worth and The Stockyards, a Steak Restaurant and we homestayed them I think cannot recall, another couple in our neighborhood might have, they had a trampoline! Ha Ha! Yes, one Ph.D. wife in the group, nice, I am not sure from the part of Russia, but not Ukraine I dont think that was Taras my tutor in micro economics and policy data analysis for my MPA at U.T. Dallas, we had also a group of professionals from Moldavia, and we did the executive dining room with them at Bank of America, Charles worked for them as a CPA for 14 years or 16 and he was an Executive Vice President, and we should be vested in our pension there we must check on that*, seven mergers, and many years of service, vested, not just 401K, the pension, and yes, we did Ranger Stadium with the Romanians, and also a room with flags at City Hall, and we met the Mayor, with many, Slovak Ambassador, and Baylor Doctors, and Monet exhibit, and many events like the Mesquite Rodeo with the Chinese Students, and ah, South Fork Ranch the Minister of Oceanic Affairs of China, Xia Yuan, and his counterpart older who didnt speak English, and I had apple pie and coffee with them at my home alone with them, and then took them nicely to Walmart and had to page them to get Anna picked up from gymnastics lesson and Adam too, they never bothered me any* of them, we had a picnic backyard party for the Chinese students, the Meyerson a tour, and all over Dallas they were in Homestays with families who had Student Ambassadors, same age and gender, we didnt ever house students, and also we had a couple from Bangalor India he taught U.S. Constitutional Law a grad of SMU, and many the sculptures of the Cattle Drive downtown, Dallas and also Irving the Mustangs, and all over Dallas and Ft. Worth, I met in a way J.D. Levitte the Ambassador of France, I do repeat my self of course, at a World Affairs Council luncheon, in a driving rain I drove to hear him speak, and we looked at each other, I couldnt smile very well, all wet like a rat, and also ah nicely dressed a red jacket with navy piping a white blouse and navy pants, and purse, sat at a table, near him and so finally after looking at each other for so* long a beautiful smile*, and he spoke about French and U.S. Relations and they gave him a nice pair of Cowboy boots in his size*, I went by the line as I got my coat from the coat room, many students, near him, I smiled and as he left with his entourage, he thought absent mindely I should have talked to Pam maybe she will be at the gala tonight?~ I was not. Charles and I hosted at Greeters the only ones at the door THE AMBASSADORS BALL at the Fairmont Hotel, for World Affairs Council, me in a lavender gown with criss cross rhinestones, and my hair up with a hair piece in back also, ribbons and ;my Grandmother Donelsons rhinestone choker and ear rings, and silver slippers, and also Charles in a black tuxedo and white tuxedo shirt and black tie, only pastel gowns, were two cheer Moms, I know from East Texas and their husbands, one pink and I think the other was perhaps yellow, or another pastel...we enjoyed each others company later on, and at a same table, he is with Price Waterhouse Coopers, like I was back in the day, I wrote all the plan documents, for Dallas and Ft. Worth major corporations of Finance and Banking, for benefits, and edited some too, the templates, in medical and dental, and that was 1985 self insured plans, then they let me go, I never breathed a word about my loss, l do love pastels, all the ladies look awesome in black too of course, we danced the night away in the dance floor area Charles and I for Mayor Ron Kirk, security cameras, many South American Ambassadors and from all over Canada and EU, and jitterbugged, and two stepped, and waltzed and we know how to dance, we took lessons....we love*, I love you!~ I didnt mention everyone, from England, only Peter Whiby, at DFW, he is on the Board of PTPI, at home we always remember he and his wife, and also in France Yves Doutriaux United Nations Ambassador Adjoint, wrote the 1411 with J.D. Levitte who was the Ambassador of United Naitons and on Security Council when it was just FIVE, and that was a resolution for Peace, and I was YVES dinner partner in 10/29/2000 a Camelot evening, Charles at our table too, and Ambassador Anwar Darwish from Egypt, YVES DOUTRIAUX, Ambassador spoke on Peacekeeping, it was an awesome speech and night for me, momentous changes my life and we all mourned 9/11, Yves and J.D. so shaken they both left, and it was tremendously sad, J.D. went on to work for President George W. Bush, Jr. as Ambassador of France to U.S. in Washington, D.C. Yves is teaching in Paris, at a University a prestigious one, and was in Vienna, also, we keep in touch also but not recently, I achieved My Master of Public Affairs, School of Social Science, May 2003, I was in the FIRST FIVE, written up in Newsweek I heard as an awesome program, which is now in Political Economy, Pamela Sue Donelson Burns is on my diploma, I included my maiden named and my own Father was there for my graduation and also my undergrad too, when I achieved my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, December 1983 My Mother too who is a PH.D. of many in our family, her two siblings, and also a niece, and one on the other side, is an Attorney now, too and Prosecutor we think dont know exactly, we have family from Kansas too, one of ours died in a coverd wagon, her name was Carie and I dont know her last name, Moms knowing of it, she had other children, and we have family all over the United States, Grandma Williams studied music in Kearney Nebraska and her Aunt Etta lived there, and her spouse Stephen Williams, was a Master in History from a University in Iowa, and they raised three PH.D.s and one niece now too! Grandma was a Postmaster in Madison County Iowa, after my Grandfathers untimely death in his 50s, she had been a farmers daughter and a homemaker prior to that and mother of three, and one baby was still born, Stephen was his name he was ten pounds. WE have our cemetaries, in Connecticut and New York, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, and also Iowa and Missouri and TEXAS, those are above ground, and also in Lousiiana also above ground, and of course cousins, other places....our ancestry is obviously through my FATHER Scottish Irish, and English, and German, and blue eyes, all of them mostly a few brown and me green I am rh negative ab negative very rare blood type and my MOTHER is English, Welsh, and German and French, and Swiss, she might has some Celtic, meaning Scottish and Irish, we dont know but it might be Soule was that our ancestor who came over on the Mayflower, GEORGE SOULE IS PERHAPS SCOTTISH, and royale too, a pilgrim, and that is 1612, and ALLEN FOX, born in NEW YORK, Connecticut Regiment a good shot, that is our D.A.R. I have a number and Mom is the only one in Mayflower Society ah I must join that too...I attended meetings of D.A.R. here in my town, and after a lot of stress had to not go, I am hoping they still show me a member, I love all of them we did build a bear and many chariable things, and of course memories and observations and prayers, and the Revolutionary War, and the importance of PATRIOTS, our troops, and our Militia, and our support of our U.S. Constitution and Balance of Power, Executive Judicial and Congressional, I studied all that in Constitutional Law, Law and Policy and Law and Ethics Law and Psychiatry and Negotiation and that was just MPA, undergrad, programming in FORTRAN AND COBOL AND 21 undergrad psychology, and that was for Human Resources Emphasis, and you know a lot of hours, to achieve it a BSBA, and in MPA, EXCEL QM you download off of main servers and interpret data...papers, writing, memos, press conference, accounting and finance, and law, and policy, and many things, I applied to every govt agency every dept, in D.C. and of all of them, no interviews in D.C. in Dallas, four Fema, Bureau of Labor and Statistics, and also Federal Reserve, and FBI, who interviewed me? Bureau of Labor and Statistics prior to me even graduating in the MPA it was about 2002 afer my internship and I did* GRADUATE*, and I got two interviews with them they said you are very qualitifed in BENEFITS, but go ahead and GRADUATE, and also afterwards, FEDERAL RESERVE a phone interview, they wanted Five years experience, I was sad about that one too, Charles knows many there....also I was a student volunteer at Richardson Regional Medical Center in 2003 for about six months, and should have gotten my certificate, studied HIPPA, and as in the responsibilities of outpatient surgery I took the people to their cars pick up in their wheel chairs, had to take care of them and also brakes, and i.v. bags delivery and pads and pencils, I worked in khaki pants, white nikis and a golf shirt in white, no emblems, and also, never talked to the Doctors, was very responsible, and I was in my internship, Garland Summer Musicals, City of Garland Star Spangled Fourth, and also worked the event at the information booth, and also Dallas Peace Center a landmine removal diinner was raised $28.000 in one day, I called the entire membership for Lon Burnham a Texas Representative. I also Met and was Dinner Partner with Ambassador ARIOS, from Spain, and that was also the Fairmont, the Ambassadors from Eastern Europe were Dr. Branislav Lichardus and wife Sophie from Slovak Republic it was called then, 1998 Charles and I received a commendation for People to People International, and also Dr. Gejenksy and his wife Marie of Hungary, the next year 1999, a house party for both and homestays and visits all over Dallas, and the Mayor for Dr. Lichardus, and also Baylor Hospital, and Boone Pickins was there and we did the Monet exhibit too all in one day....and many...I hope you like me Darlin...New Years resolutions....well, I hope I marry you, Vous* Moi*~ I hate to repeat myself....I love to dance in jeans in a cabin, in mountains, you in a sweater or plaid shirt, me in jeans, perhaps bare foot, and love, we love* Darlin, we are Je Taime. YOUR MICHEL BARNIER ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, MY DEAREST MY DARLING, just like Abbey Road, but we never listen to Beatles much is mostly, we ah watch t.v. with Olivia and Anna! Charles Adam, Anna Grace, Nicholas Adam, Madeline and Addie Jane and Olivia Monroe (for the President Monroe) are our blessings and all* the family! come see me, I havent worn, my red dress with faux jewels on it, strapless! Bon Jour Mon Ami, Your Mon Cheton...ha ha, well about a size 16. I love Pammy!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 11:54:53 +0000

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