Dearest Ones, Thank you so much, from the depths of my heart, - TopicsExpress


Dearest Ones, Thank you so much, from the depths of my heart, to every one of you responding to my plea for prayers for our beloved girl Arayla. Your beautiful, powerful prayers are helping! Please keep them coming. I just wanted to make sure to update you about our sweet girl. Im currently with Arayla in the Pediatric I.C.U. of California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. We were transferred here yesterday via ambulance from the ER in Santa Rosa. They are watching her like a hawk, with round-the-clock intensive care. It sure made sleeping challenging, which is pretty ironic for me in knowing how essential sleep is for the kidneys, but I know this is what she needs right now. They are thinking at this point that whats most acutely going on is most likely a vicious e.coli strain ( Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) — which causes hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), accounting for over 90 percent of cases of HUS in children. It is generally preceded by a prodromal illness with abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea, which is usually bloody, just like Arayla experienced.) So in other words, the E. coli (of unknown origin) caused a secondary infection in Araylas blood, causing a rapid die-off of red blood cells, which has created ample strain on her kidneys. The main concern at this point is helping Araylas kidneys to clear out and feel strong again. Araylas last bloodwork numbers showed definite improvement! The doctor also says she is definitely not out of the woods yet. So please keep your prayers coming my loves... Its been a scary few days after a long week of her feeling extremely sick, and Arayla has been amazingly brave and kind and grateful to everyone who has helped her. Last night in the middle of the night (we were woken round the clock by testing and such) she said so sweetly in the darkness: Mama I can feel how many people are loving me right now. She can really feel all of you, and in my semi delirious sleep-deprived state in the middle of the night I could see all the light surrounding her and holding her. I was also relieved when she showed some feisty grumpiness this morning about all the tubes, Mama I do not like all these tubes attached to me! and whined and complained in good, strong 9 year old fashion. Shes been sort of frighteningly angelic and spacious the last few days, so Im happy to feel her understandably irritated protest coming through. Thank you so much for keeping us close to your hearts as we navigate this challenging moment... Love to all, Jesua (on behalf of Arayla, Chris and Ezra Star)
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 14:54:39 +0000

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