Dearest Soul Family Members, Matt and I wish to share with you - TopicsExpress


Dearest Soul Family Members, Matt and I wish to share with you that heaven has welcomed and ushered in a new angel – Matt’s father, Herb Kahn, this morning. He was affectionately known to many as “Papa Smurf.” While having left the physical form, we know he has graduated to new levels of consciousness. We also know we will still very much be in communication with him as he finds new ways to fly. Matt’s dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer a couple of months ago, and it’s only been in the past week that we have known he would be making such a quick transition. Matt was able to be with his dad, mother, and sister as Herb passed peacefully at his home in Los Angeles. Matt was told Herb would be passing today and was instructed by his guidance to show his dad the Golden Bridge and the Doorway of Light, which he did. And then his dad followed when the time was right (just 31 minutes after Matt’s intuition said his spirit would depart!). We both are so tremendously grateful for our time on planet Earth with such a kind-hearted man, who always loved a good story and joke, was so thoughtful, playful, and generous. Even in the ultimate transition, he continued to give gifts in showing us even more deeply the inherent beauty and grace of death. Death CAN be a friend, and is truly just as miraculous and amazing as birth. It is a journey of relief, release, and ever-present peace… watching the mind let go, the body let go, and the breath let go. It can make one wonder how much of that can be done while still IN the body? How much can we let go into Life and Love while we are here? Matt and I are in awe of the deepening we feel emerging in each of us in its own way. We can only imagine what next steps will unfold. As we told the Portland gathering over the weekend, we are SO grateful for the serendipitous timing as we step into our relationship with our new publisher, and that Herb magically knew before leaving this plane of existence that there would be a published book coming up. That meant so much to him as a proud, supportive, enthusiastic, interested father. Although he will not be here to read the book, he knew it will be coming to fruition. That was all he was meant to know as that point in the storyline. We smile at Life’s perfection. Matt’s mom and dad were married for 48 years. It was an incredible love, companionship, and heart connection. So, in the midst of this great change, our hearts, arms, and loving support are wrapped around Matt’s mom, sister and her family, and Herb’s extended family, as well, as word spreads and family and friends gather from far and wide to grieve, to laugh, to celebrate, to feel, and love whatever arises. We are all quite tired from the past few days, and now begins the plans for the gatherings to honor and celebrate Herb’s life, that are still to come. In order for us to honor our own self-care physically, emotionally, and energetically, and to best support Matt’s family right now, there may be some delays in emails, and some things on our schedule may be rescheduled to allow space for this sudden movement of life. For instance, there is no Seattle Soul Gathering this month. No worries though, we are absolutely still doing the September retreat! Thank you for your sweet loving hearts, and for being who you are in our lives. You are beautiful, so precious and innocent, and you are loved. Much love always, Julie (and Matt)
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:56:11 +0000

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