Dearly Beloved, warm greetings to you in the name of our Lord - TopicsExpress


Dearly Beloved, warm greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior. On behalf of Midnight Prayer Christian Network, I wish to inform you of our Programs & Events for the year 2015; PROJECTS- * Set up an effective Prayer Fellowship Centre @ the Headquarters BENIN. * Complete our ongoing REGISTRATION with the Corporate Affairs Commission, Nigeria. * Secure a Landed Property to begin our INTERDENOMINATIONAL PRAYER CAMP project. * Purchase a Space Van/Bus for MISSIONS. VISION 2015- * Set up a standard website(domain) for MPCN, and create pages, groups & Forums in other social Networks through which other Christians and gospel ministers can be globally reached with the vision of MPCN. * Subscribe to a SKYPE premium account through which members/partners of MPCN (especially those in foreign Nations) can be connected in the weekly Online Prayer Conferences. * Inaugurate a Chapter of the Network in the following States; LAGOS, ABIA, AKWA IBOM, EBONYI, CROSS RIVER, ABUJA, KANO, KADUNA & BAUCHI respectively. * Build an INTERCESSORY TEAM for MPCN, via the Online and mainline Ministry respectively. * Launch our first edition MAGAZINE. *Target of reaching out to @ least a 100 gospel ministers in states, cities and communities where MPCN has a running chapter. *Kick start a quarterly SCHOOL OF MINISTRY for young Ministers & Church workers via our online & mainline Ministry. PROGRAMMES & EVENTS- (Annual Programs) * INTERNATIONAL MISSION CONFERENCE ~Venue: Lagos State. ~Date: April 2015. * NATIONAL PRAYER CONFERENCE, ~Venue: Port Harcourt, River State. ~Date: June 2015 * ANNIVERSARY & MINISTERS/LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE, ~Venue: Benin City, Edo State. ~Date: October 2015 * THANKSGIVING/END OF YEAR PARTY- (Date of this event is as agreed upon by the State Coordinator & members of each chapter) (Regular Meetings) *Online Prayer Conference to be held thrice every week. *Partnership & Camp meetings to be held monthly as stipulated by State Leaders. (Irregular Meetings) *Strengthening Your Altar, to resume February and run for the following months, FEBRUARY, MARCH, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER. * QUARTERLY SPIRITUAL EXERCISE- ~ 7 DAYS FASTING & PRAYER- Feb. 1st - 7th. ~ 14 DAYS FASTING & PRAYER- June. 1st - 14th. ~ 14 DAYS FASTING & PRAYER- Sept. 21st - Oct. 4th. ~ 7 DAYS FASTING & PRAYER- Dec. 1st - Dec. 7th Please kindly read through these information, jot & include event dates in your itinerary and dont hesitate to contact us for further inquiries: TEL: +2347061535474, +2348138772255. EMAIL mpcn@rocket mail Stay blessed and keep glowing in the Lord. Remember, It is OUR YEAR OF EVIDENCE. Evang. Johnson Osas O. President/Intl Coordinator, MPCN.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 11:05:43 +0000

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