Dearly beloved, I welcome you all to this new week (2nd week) in - TopicsExpress


Dearly beloved, I welcome you all to this new week (2nd week) in this month of November (Our Month of Light). I have a good news for you all especially at this season of Ember Month. This good news is tagged: THE SECRET PLACE OF GOD! Text; Psalm 91:1-6. A secret place is a hidden place and if it is secret, that means it is not open. Brethren, it is only God that has a secret place and the secret place of God is habitable. The devil has no secret and can never offer any secret. You can only have a secret in God because anything the devil calls secret is open before God and God can reveal them to His Servants (Children). You can see that everything about the devil is open. (Hallelujah). I want you to know that it is we (God’s Children) that belong to a Secret Cult and our secret cult is called Holy Ghost Fraternity (Wow!). All that exists on earth is nothing but Destructive Cult and not Secret Cult. Beloved, the secret place of God is habitable, yet it is not everyone that dwells in this secret place. But brethren, there is something special about those of us that dwell in this secret place of God. They always abide. They have nothing to fear because the secret place of God is a place of refuge. It is a fortified city. The Lord delivers everyone that dwells in His secret place from the snare (secret traps, plans, arrows, etc) of the fowler (enemy). The Most High covers them with His feather (Wings). God’s Word is always their shield & buckler. When we talk about the secret place of God, we are talking about JESUS. Jesus is the secret place of God as recorded in Col. 3:3. So if any man be in Christ, he/she is in the secret place of the Most High. Why are you afraid of what the enemy can do to you? Don’t you know, when you are in Christ, & Christ in God, there is no arrow of the enemy that can kill you? Because your life is hidden in God’s Secret Place, that is why He said a thousand shall fall by your right and ten thousand by your left, yet none will come near your dwelling. Do you think God was joking when He said this to you in His Word? He says what He means and means what He says. You don’t have to be afraid of this season (ember month), don’t listen to the stories of ordinary men because you are not designed to die like ordinary man. There is something about you that dwells in the secret place of the Most High. Your security is not of this world. You are not designed to die by sword of ordinary men. The devil itself got no power to kill you because your security is beyond his reach. Let this mind be in you. You belong to Holy Ghost Fraternity which is the secret of the secret place of God. I prophesy to every reader of this message that No devil will stop you at this season! Do not fear their fear! In one way they shall come but in 7 ways, they shall scatter! You are divinely protected and preserved under the wings of the Most High! No evil network at this ember month that will hook to you in every aspect of your life in Jesus Name. I disable all evil networks trying to connect your life, ministry, destiny, family, business, etc, in Jesus Name! Your light must shine brighter and brighter in this season in Jesus Name. You are Blessed!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 12:27:40 +0000

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