Dearly beloved brethren, it’s amazing how a subtle matter, - TopicsExpress


Dearly beloved brethren, it’s amazing how a subtle matter, involving one of our Christian fathers, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor and his purported involvement in an illegal arms transfer somewhere in South Africa can generate so much controversy among us. The unfortunate incident, which all those actually involved have since made sincere attempts at validating his innocence, is nonetheless being reverberated by some of us, whose opinions have proven rather retrogressive than objective. Such impertinence, from brethren who claim to share similar Christian ideology is not encouraging. It shows the moral decadence in our varied levels of spiritual maturity, besides the evil, those who have been resonating the whole episode plan to achieve. That the uninitiated have always sought opportunity to bastardize the name and reputation of those highly esteemed within the fold is no longer new. What is rather frightening is the way and manner in which some of us Christian brethren, who ought to show discernment, particularly in matters of this nature, go about castigating one another. Our spiritual ineptitude has been quite evident by the way we have always reacted negatively to every ugly story involving any Christian cleric that filters into our ears. But sadly, the impact of all such naivety, not only affect us indirectly, but adversely too. That the private facility of one of ours was somehow linked with a transaction that was considered illegal should not be the reason for all the hullabaloo that has since trailed the unfortunate incident in our churches. In the first place, the track record of the accused has neither been found wanting, nor has his image been marred previously by any act of criminality, that should warrant the high level of criticism he is getting from some of us who are members of the same household of faith. The said private property could have been anyone’s. It is rather unfortunate that the ball of misfortune chose to roll into the court of a notable Christian personality, in the person of Ayo Oritsejafor this time around (the next victim could be you). But even at that, the wise and obviously most godly thing to do on hearing accusation of such magnitude, would have been for you and me to peruse and pray over the matter first, to avoid giving room for our adversary to gainsay. Or better still, call Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor privately if possible, to express your deep concern over the incident, or address a letter to him if you can’t reach him on phone, and you might just be surprise to hear his own side of the story rather than making hasty conclusions. But most of us brethren didn’t do any of these. On the contrary, many of us were quick to run to social media and other online forum, to condemn and to call for his immediate arrest and execution. This frankly is very unchristianly. That circumstance tend to reveal the real state of our Christianity cannot be any truer. Should the temptation that befell Pastor Oritsejafor be divinely orchestrated by God, to test our spirituality, then, frankly brethren, the majority of us have failed woefully. We have attempted the right answers wrongly, by leaving Oritsejafor to his fate to answer for a crime he didn’t commit. This breaking point however can become a watershed. The point here is, we need genuine love as a symbol of Christianity. Read your bible; no portion of it encourages us to shoot at our brethren, whose imperfections may be leading them to temptations. On the contrary, we are enjoined, time and again to “lift up the hands that hang down, and the feeble knees and make straight path for thy feet” (Heb. 12:12&13) and “to restore in the spirit of meekness, considering ourselves, lest, we also be tempted. (Gal. 6:1). Pastor Oritsejafor has since been vindicated (to the shame of the adversary). But had he been guilty, it wouldn’t justify our criticisms still. All those other stories of him owning personal effects or associating with whomever, shouldn’t even be an issue here. You need not associate with Oritsejafor for long before realizing that, more than anyone else; this man has the best interest of Nigerians at heart. He doesn’t need to flaunt it around first. It’s unwise, making negative remarks about someone you have little or no information about. Regards to you brethren!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:19:12 +0000

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