Death Over Life... Death, In heaven its birth Now you need to - TopicsExpress


Death Over Life... Death, In heaven its birth Now you need to ask yourself, Why do we cry when death is beautiful And life tortuous Why do we celebrate when birth is given We even throw baby showers Devil is constructing a storm like meteor showers Well if you ask me... I prefer death over life In heaven were all equal No one superior nor inferior. All the wise men have left us humanity ravaged like them buildings in Gaza Children born with cancer and aids Teenagers recruited as lucifers aides Now... What is better, life or death? If death is the end It must be the end of torture, struggle, affliction and human suffering Because in heaven Race will mean a Righteous And Christian Empire Not differentiation of skin color No white man will regiment your life No exam mark will decide your fate In heaven we will be conversing with Bob Marley And reminiscing over the lives we used to live, in pursuit of money Felipe Andres Coronels technique will still be immortal Hate and racism will be eradicated There will be no more massacres There will be no more mass scars Because no lives will be lost in the afterlife Or is it after rife? I must have gotten it confused The only religion will be heaven and hell My words ring the alarm so you better follow the sound of the bell Wealth is not the peak It is only ephemeral Like pleasure for the dick. If there is a fine line between Life and death Suffering is not the equilibrium Babylon and Yeshua Ben Yosef have never been like an equinox In reality, humanity refuses to swallow the truth Because it tastes like an eucalyptus We would rather live a fairy tale and await apocalypse Watching our brothers and sisters slaughtered in foreign dungeons Hanging upside down With heads cut off Like exclamation marks!! Get the picture? For lucifer its just rapture... Contemplating the next capture. Now... Ask yourself; life or death? Heavens gate or lucifers wrath? Death or Lucifer In Full Expedition, do you now get the meaning of life? So, for me its death over life.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 10:19:00 +0000

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