Death and Reincarnation In Wicca the followers believe in the - TopicsExpress


Death and Reincarnation In Wicca the followers believe in the concept of reincarnation. Like most religions that believe in reincarnation Wiccans also believe in a form of transcendence upon fulfillment of purity. Although not in the same as others. Many members of Wicca believe that as the soul progresses and fulfills its true Will the essence of that soul, the chaotic origin or ether like substance, goes on to be part with the Initiator also called Spirit of the All or Dryghten. From there it is generated into the larger form of the Demiurge. This is the realm of Nirvana (a name with origins in the east). We also have a place of between lives called the Summerland1. This is the place where you plan your new life and its destiny or goal. Also in the Summerland you meet with the ones whom passed on before us. Some folks decide to wait for their family members to pass before they plan to move on to their next lives, also some souls never make it to the Otherside, rather they stay on earth and haunt or taunt the living. We believe in two parts to the soul, one goes on to the realm of the dead and the other is reborn. There is one soul that is the part of the deity which is reborn until pure and one part that is of your personality. The part that is your personality either stays in the astral realm (Summerland) or can haunt the earth, it is the personal choice of that soul what to do and where to go, it may go to any of the realms of the dead (including the Christian god or devil, but if you are pagan dont worry we have our own realms). This stems from the Ancient Egyptian beliefs of ka and ba. Ka is the higher self which went on to the other-realms, and the ba is the spirit that keeps your vital forces flowing, which then goes on to the next person (reborn). Your personalities and those of the other personalities that have used that spirit are still connected to it. Wiccan funerals are a time of celebration as we see death as part of the cycle of life. At funerals Wiccans usually have a party and parting of ways which allows the soul of the dead to move on as it sees its fulfillment here on earth. We believe that life is not linear, we blieve it is a cycle (circle) and that the wheel is always turning. Necromancy is a major part of most Wiccan/witch circles and prayers to Azrael or the grim reaper are made on occasion. Some witches are purely necromancers working with the souls of the dead. We work with our ancestors and call upon the dead for help in our rituals. There are ways to form a coven of passed souls with you in order to work a powerful form of Magick.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 07:25:20 +0000

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