Death before Dishonor - Again: I posted an earlier missive with - TopicsExpress


Death before Dishonor - Again: I posted an earlier missive with the aforementioned title - Death before Dishonor and based on comments made, I have to clarify certain things. Death before Dishonor does not mean Death before inconvenience. It does not mean Death before others being mean and calling me an idiot. It does not mean Death before someone thinks ill of me. It also doesnt mean Death before Obama sends troops/police to shoot us at Operation American Spring. I must harken back to the days of our founding and the brave (underscore that), brave men who decided that direction that things had to go in order that a more perfect union could become the nation. They signed the Declaration of Independence knowing that there were those who would read the document and declare them to be at best persona non grata and at worst traitors and those worthy of hanging. Now some are suggesting that the reason we should never protest en masse is that it would make us targets. Ya think!! Any who have spoken out publicaly against Mr. Obama must remember the deaths of some well known patriots - Andrew Breitbart, Micheal Hastings, Tom Clancy - their crimes, as terrible as the crimes of the Founding Fathers. They were ready to expose the truth about their rulers, and the crimes that were being visited upon the people. Remember these three as patriots, honorable folks who believed the words of the Declaration of Independence and signed their names figuratively to the notion that their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor were worthy enough to be dedicated to this great Nation Under God. They knew that they were signing their own death warrants, but did it anyway. If May 16th is the death warrant of some who might be slaughtered by the dictator in the white house, would those lives lost be for naught? Or would they die as much for the protection of freedom and liberty as any man who takes an oath to protect the Nation from all enemies domestic or foreign and wears a uniform? Now what are you going to do about it? Are you nothing more than Wee Sleeked, timorous cowering beastie oh what a panics in thy breastie?, as the Scottish bard described the mouse cowering in a corner awaiting its fate? We are heading towards enslavement and an earlier motto springs to mind, Live Free or Die and an even earlier one, Every man dies. Not every man really lives. So how do you want to live? Free or a slave? Going to Washington on May 16th has caused me to wrestle with my thoughts and conclude that if evil is visited on us, there will be a rising up of the nation and it will be a good day to die. If we are left alone and we go our separate ways encouraged, emboldened and then rise up collectively, it will have been a good day to have lived through and been a part of. We will go on to fight another day and take back our nation. God bless America and protect its patriots. See you in Washington. If you dont share this then your disagreement is noted. - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 17:01:28 +0000

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