Death has stung 3 friends in the past 3 weeks. I returned from the - TopicsExpress


Death has stung 3 friends in the past 3 weeks. I returned from the funeral home on tue night of a friend who took his last breath while relaxing on the back porch Saturday afternoon. I then turn on the news to hear a friend I used to work with was found dead in her condo. Before that a 30 year old friend was found strangled to death by her boyfriend. The first thing that came to mind was I hope they knew Christ personally. There are many who know who Christ is but unfortunately that is not enough. The bible says even the demons know Jesus and they tremble at His name..scripture says many will come to me on that day (judgement day) saying Lord, Lord remember me. Ive done many good things in your name then I (the Lord) will say depart from me for I never knew you . Scripture also says we are to examine ourselves whether we are in the faith. The good news is we can KNOW we are SAFE in Him...thereby we know if we are in Christ if we love him and the brethren...those who love me will seek to serve me with a pure heart. Its a heart thing not a religion thing. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God None are worthy no not one that is why Christ came to redeem us...He knows we cant live clean enough to redeem ourselves to God so he did that for us while He was here. All we have to do is believe in Him and humbly accept his gift with a pure heart:-) Isaiah 55: 6-9 SEEK THE LORD WHILE HE MAY BE FOUND; CALL UPON HIM WHILE HE IS NEAR. LET THE WICKED FORSAKE HIS WAYS AND THE UNRIGHTEOUS MAN HIS THOUGHTS. LET HIM RETURN TO THE LORD AND HE WILL HAVE COMPASSION ON HIM AND HE WILL ABUNDANTLY PARDON! Thank you Lord for the sacrifice you made on the cross to pardon my sin debt. May you keep me on the right path so I can live at peace in this life and live forever with you in the after life! Feel free to share this if you know the Lord and want others to know Him too :-) God bless all who read this
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:06:31 +0000

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