Death in our churches! One of the first signs that a ministry - TopicsExpress


Death in our churches! One of the first signs that a ministry is dying is that there will be a visible exit of the Youth. Many leaders will say that they have compromised or have backslid, but leaders you need to check to make sure that your message is relevant, revelatory and applicable to life as it is today ( what people are experiencing). You can hold on to the old wineskins in the name of tradition and how things use to be, but God does not change, but His methods can change. The spirit of tradition is strong in the midst of many ministries and God wants to do a new thing. Some of the things we hold on to worked at a particular time, but does God want you to do that now. We do not have to start our services the same way every Sunday. Can the Holy Spirit direct the order of the service instead of our programs or programmed leaders and programmed worship leaders? We should be sensitive to know what He desires to do at anytime. Young people and people in general do not want to see us they want to see the resurrected Christ and His love and power manifested amongst them. The ministry is not about the pulpit its about the Savior the King of Kings. A sign that we have failed to allow God to use us is that if after we minister, preach, prophesy and whatever we do if they talk about us....we have failed in our assignment. The key is that the sinner and saint alike are suppose to see Christ in us the hope of Glory and that the conversation after the benediction is that they are talking about Him....Jesus the Christ.......Amen!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 02:58:37 +0000

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