Death of Hazrat Ali Hazrat Ali (R.A) is the wali of Allah - TopicsExpress


Death of Hazrat Ali Hazrat Ali (R.A) is the wali of Allah and wasi of the Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) and Imam. There are many aayaat in the Holy Quran in his praise and the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) has let behind many hadits in his praise. Every Muslim has faith in Hazrat Ali. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was born on 13th Rajab in the Khaana-e-Kaaba. Through out his life he helped the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and was beside him in in all the wars of Islam and was victorious in all of them too. On the command of Allah ,Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) pronounced him Maula and gave him the title of Ameer-ul-Momineen. There is no match of Hazrat Ali in his devotion ,generosity , bravery & courage and character. His virtues are an example to mankind and no words are match in expressing them. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was martyred with a poisoned sword On 19th Ramazan 40th Hijri Maula Ali (R.A) went a few moments before the time of FAJAR prayers to the mosque of Kufa. Maula Ali started the prayers and when he went into the prostration (SAJDA) Ibn-e-Muljim wounded him with his poisoned sword on his head. The scar was on his head upto his forehead. When the sword struck him , he said : BY THE PROMISE OF LORD OF KAABA , I AM SUCCESSFUL. All the people of Kufa heard the proclaim about Maulas (R.A) murder . People ran towards the mosque , Imam Ali fell down and was putting dust into his wound from the ground. His face and beard were streaming with blood . When Ali was struck by the sword the earth & sky were trembling , a black storm arose , the walls of the mosque shook and the doors were banging . angels calling out that, HAZRAT ALI (R.A) HAS BEEN MURDERED. The people of Kufa were running towards the mosque . Imam Hasan & Imam Hussain (R.A) also ran toward the mosque , both the sons picked up their father and tied a cloth on his wound .Imam Ali (R.A) told Imam Hasan (R.A) : IBN-E-MULJIM THE SON OF A JEWISH WOMAN HAS WOUNDED ME. The effect of the poison was spreading in Hazrat Alis (R.A) body. Imam Hasan & Imam Hussain (R.A) wrapped him in a blanket and carried him home as Imam Ali (R.A) did not have the stamina to walk . He was fasting. At the time of Iftar when the fast is opened people of Kufa had arrested Ibn-e-Muljim and brought him to Imam Ali (R.A) . He was in a very bad condition due to thrist. Imam Hasan (R.A) had brought milk for Imam Ali (R.A) for his iftar. He gave the milk to Ibn-e-Muljim and said : DRINK IT YOU ARE THRISTY. Ibn-e-Muljim said : I PURCHASED THIS SWORD FOR 1000 DIRHAMS & POISONED WORTH 1000 DIRHAMS AND APPLIED IT ON THE SWORD. THERE IS SO MUCH OF POISON ON THIS SWORD THAT IF IT IS SPREAD ON THE EARTH , ALL THE LIVING THINGS ON IT WILL DIE. Imam Ali (R.A) was martyred in 2 ways , one with the sword and the other with poison. Imam Ali (R.A) was wounded on the morning of 19th Ramazaan and died on 21st Ramazan.Imam Hasan & Imam Hussain (R.A) bathed and shrouded him and when they took his body for the burial , all the doors , gates and walls bended in his honour. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was buried at Najaf. Today his magnificent shrine still stands there and is filled with devotees. May Allah take all of us to His shrine for ziyarat (Ameen).
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 05:58:18 +0000

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