Death of a Page A while ago Pat Wintemute who has contributed - TopicsExpress


Death of a Page A while ago Pat Wintemute who has contributed photos from time to time asked me to delete her photo album which I did. I was then asked to go through my posts and search for any other photos she had on the page and delete those too. I declined to do this, as frankly, it is way too much work and I dont think anyone goes that far back to look. Pat was very persistent and used Copyright infringement in just about every message. Pat Wintemute did in fact give me the photos to post but I see no reason to go back through months of posts to search her photos out. That is my time and I chose not to donate it. Pat being very persistent kept on and reminded me it was a small town and she would let everyone know I was stealing her photos. I have received emails and messages to the sort and can assume she has been good to her word. Here is one from someone called mouse man: you are scum of the earth stealing others work I will assume this person is miss guided with erroneous information. I was given permission to put her photos on the page and was in fact sent them, I did not solicit them. Once something has been published that is the end of it in my books unless it is offensive. I thought perhaps I was being somewhat unreasonable and said she could pay me for the time it takes to remove them. I dont mind working for free to do the page but going through hundreds of post to find photos is just too much to ask. I am coming here to post this as a few have been posting I am stealing photos and I am trying to nip this asap. I can assume they have heard one side of this. Probably would be easy enough to just bow to pressure but it has gone too far and threats have been made. I wont be threatened or intimidated to do something. This is why people stop volunteering. This is why I will stop the page. I dont need this. I do this because it is fun most of the time but as you know it takes 10 good comments to to overcome one bad one. If your married you know. Im going to take a King Solomon view to this and ask Pat to contribute $25 per photo I remove from the page and then I will contribute a similar amount, all of which can go to the food bank. This is more than fair. I think people think because I run the page as a volunteer my time is of no value. I value my time and I am just drawing a line and I think a fair one too.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 21:21:09 +0000

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