Death throes. Its been eons since I have had Thanksgiving - TopicsExpress


Death throes. Its been eons since I have had Thanksgiving leftovers, maybe almost twenty years. So, when I found myself with ALL the leftovers at once, my brain sort of went into a food spasm, and all of a sudden, even though I definitely was NOT hungry, I started eating. And this includes the marathon turkey soup cookathon which lasted all night long. It started with turkey leftovers RIGHT AFTER DINNER yesterday, progressed to both pumpkin pie and Pecan disaster for desert, led to turkey and gravy at two in the morning, something I have NEVER in my entire life done. For breakfast this morning, three pieces of Pecan disaster and two bowls of soup. Midmorning snack of dressing and gravy, followed by more Pecan disaster. Lunch was a bowl of soup. Now I am truly miserable, having not actually been hungry since before Thanksgiving dinner, but the madness in my soul continues, so I have some more dressing and gravy, followed by potato cakes made from the leftover mashers. For desert, more pumpkin pie. I am now sitting with my back bent backwards because I absolutely cannot straighten my back without spraining my stomach. Can you imagine what might have happened if I had actually been hungry? I have no idea why you thought it was safe to leave me unsupervised, Krixten Hawley, no idea at all. And I am out of coffee.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 01:17:02 +0000

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