Death to Monsanto... Wake up people... Monsanto is entrenched at - TopicsExpress


Death to Monsanto... Wake up people... Monsanto is entrenched at every level of government and this is one huge problem in which both political parties bear some of the blame. We have ex Monsanto employees and lawyers at every level of our government, from the FDA, EPA, SCOTUS (Clarence Thomas) and others. We are slowly being poisoned, made more susceptible to diseases, such as cancer and others. Our non-GMO food supply is being infected by GMO crops. GMO is not related to hybridization. Most other nations have outlawed GMOS (even burned complete fields of GMO crops to try to stop the spread by polinazation). We should not elect to any office anyone with ties to Monsanto, receives campaign money from them, or who does not speak out against the evils of Monsanto. If you care about your children or grandchildrens future, then you should educate yourself about growth hormones, GMOS, neo-nicitonoids (killing our bees), and other products made by Monsanto and its subsidiaries. There products are rubber stamped by our regulatory agencies and any entity or person who tries to expose any wrong doing or product dangers by them are threatened or sued and eventually they will find a judge they can own and reward them with the desired verdict.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:12:22 +0000

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