Debate - overview: Alison Lundergan Grimes is by far more well - TopicsExpress


Debate - overview: Alison Lundergan Grimes is by far more well informed which should be just shocking to everyone but not to me. In addition and as always she has embraced the responsibility of representing Kentuckians. Thats a new thing we havent seen from any Senate candidate in a long time. She rightfully called McConnell out on the fact his votes have served against Kentuckians best interest time and time again, more supporting his party than what is good for Kentucky. Each response given by McConnell forecast some horrific, cataclysmic event to occur in the future and to our children. Really? Well if thats the case, McConnell is MORE to blame for the national debt, economy, bank bail out (he voted for it) than anyone else - hes one of the ones who have served the longest. McConnells been there 30 years, President Obama 6 I think its clear who is more responsible for the status of Washington and our federal government which he claims is in shambles. So either he cant do, didnt do, refused to do anything about it or he was part of the cause of such. No way around it. His closing line was in reference to his history of leadership and hard work, but McConnell has the lowest approval rating of any elected official in the nation? Some silly little office survey calling him a hard worker doesnt really compare to the entire United States public calling you incompetent. Im afraid telling people youre the guy that should lead is not the same as actually leading, especially when youve failed to lead for 30 years and every statistic in KY and Washington verifies that fact. Yes, we need to give this to Alison Lundergan Grimes. Lets send him home to retire - its time. Very impressive performance by Alison Lundergan Grimes. Hand of applause to all those who had a part in tonights success - job well done. Really her team has run a great campaign.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 01:08:21 +0000

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