Debbies condition has not changed, still not responsive, still on - TopicsExpress


Debbies condition has not changed, still not responsive, still on the ventilator, and still on the dialysis machine. It is so hard to see her this way. She appears to get irritated when anyone messes with her; she rolls her head back and forth and arches her neck. Her legs quiver and her arms move about as if to say, Leave me alone. Sometimes she seems to respond to my touch when I stroke her forehead and hair and I talk to her, but other times that does not seem to make any difference. I am finding that I am not nearly as strong as I thought I was. They are now worried about her brain and they are looking at the possibility of meningitis. Several of my doctor friends have come up to the ICU to visit with me and greatly appreciate all of these wonderful people and their efforts. I have been told several times that we have the best of the best doctors working on Debbie. There are so many possibilities of things that could go wrong that it boggles the mind. Her case is extremely complex and very perplexing. Her sister, Gail, and her brother, Larry, came up to ICU today and relieved me and I am home again, but I cannot stand it, all I do is worry about her. This is not about me, it is all about Debbie, but I am really starting to feel the helplessness that I am sure all people in my position feel. I have been amazed at how many friends I have. It is such a good feeling to know that so many people are praying and thinking about me and Debbie and I appreciate you all so much. Tonight they are going to run an EEG and take spinal fluid to see if these tests will help to explain things. Thank you Gail, Larry, Phil, Melissa, Ryan, Kori, and all of Debbie’s friends and my friends for helping and offering to help. It means a lot to us both and we could not do this without your love and support. I pray that none of you ever go through anything like this. Guy
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:47:39 +0000

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