Deblasios Speech I was wrong. After much thought and soul - TopicsExpress


Deblasios Speech I was wrong. After much thought and soul searching, I have come to the conclusion that I was wrong. On just about everything related to our Police Department. I was wrong to run on a platform of reforming the NYPD. They do not need reforming. They are arguably the best, most efficient police department in the country. They have reduced crime in NY remarkably. Going from one of the most dangerous cities in the country to the safest big city in the country. This didnt happen by luck. This happened through professional police officers using scientific methods, such as COMSTAT and broken windows policing. Our present Police Commisioner, Bill Bratton was the motivating factor behind these 21st century police practices. That is why I hired him. From this day forward, I am going to get out of his way and let him run the PD the way he sees fit. In this same vein, he will not be interfered with by agitators. Most notably Al Sharpton. Sharpton will no longer sit on the dais alongside the Commisioner. As a matter of fact, Al Sharpton no longer has a place in my administration. Ive realized that he is a divisive, race baiter. Everywhere he goes, people die. From the Crown Heights riots, to Freddies Mart in Harlem, his hateful rhetoric incites people to violence. If there is to be healing in our city, the first step is to remove the cancer that is Al Sharpton. I also realize that I was wrong in my advice to my son, Donte. I should have explained to him how difficult the job of Police Officer is. That if he lives a good life and follows the law, he has nothing to fear from the police. That yes, if confronted by the police, to follow their orders. Including if they decide to put him in cuffs. I should have told him that I know hes a good kid and I trust his judgement, but sometimes mistakes are made. Maybe he matches the description of someone who has committed a crime. At this point the best course of action is to calmly submit to arrest and straighten the matter out at the precinct. I guess I had a skewed view of the police. I have no personal friends who are Police Officers and no one in my family is a Police Officer. My beliefs about the police have been formed from my interactions with radical leftists and community organizers who saw the police as the enemy. From this one sided perspective I formed my opinion. I now see that it is was a flawed opinion. The NYPD is the most regulated police department in the country. They are overseen by the internal affairs bureau, the CCRB, five DAs offices and the Attorney Generals offices for the Southern and Eastern district. There is no need for further oversite. I am not saying that there is no corruption, but there is less than in a lot of other city departments. I could safely say that there is less corruption in the police department than there is in City Hall. So my message to the Police Officers of this great city is,I am sorry. I was wrong to accuse you of wrongdoing. I will work to regain your trust by being supportive of you. I realize that as a civilian I have no real world expertise in police work and as such, I should leave the police work to the police professionals. Feel free to use this speech, Mr Mayor. No charge.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:13:09 +0000

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