Debt Free Money If one reads Lenin on the question of - TopicsExpress


Debt Free Money If one reads Lenin on the question of nationalisation of the banks one can suspect how powerful and real communism was back then and the objection that it is merely an ideology or even utopia is not sufficiently founded. Lenins government did in fact nationalize the banks and put them under the control of the republic. One must pause at this achievement. The provocation it means to the Western financial elites can surely be judged by the incomparable build up of military forces on the Eastern front during the Second World War. To consider the character of a betrayed republic there are two developments that illustrate the severity of the situation. Initially a burden that is caused by private banking practices is not noticeable. Hypothetically a new state could have sufficient income from tax to cover its debts. It does however seem that in particular the mechanism of cumulating or compound interest causes an ever increasing debt. This development is already indicative of a questionable representation of the people. At some point the tax income cannot compete with the debt and the financial sovereignty of the state is at an end. Surely this is not what the people want. Another development accompanying the mechanism of interest rates is the private character of the bank. Even if the state intends to introduce progressive financial strategies it is at a disadvantage in a hostile financial environment. It is without doubt the character of Western capitalism or financial institution in the present day and age. It is furthermore accompanied by a theological tradition that is represented by the Old and New Testaments. The more recent widespread rhetoric about freedom of religion does not change the centuries of religious tradition and community. It can then be expected that there are fundamental correspondences. The character of the betrayed republic corresponds suitably to the New Testament Saviour of all mankind. The exclusive character of financial elites corresponds suitably to that of the Chosen People. It is not difficult to imagine in this correspondence who represents the finance and who the financier.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 23:30:40 +0000

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