Dec 26th, 2:53pm GEORGE MPOMBO SPEAKS OUT ON HIS RELEASE FROM PRISON Countrymen and women, I gladly receive all of you to my obsequious or rather unostentatious hacienda. Im exhilarated and clenched with euphoria as I position on this rostrum before you. As the perfectly au courant among you will attest, Im no longer an internee as I was discharged from the slammer under presidential pardon on Christmas Day. But grant me the liberty to first bestow encomiums on my deity in the ocean of emptiness. I withal extend or rather give an ineffable gratitude to acting president Dr Guy Scott for exercising his powers of prerogative of mercy in favour of myself and 9 other fellow prisoners. Guy is indeed an epitome of a great leader and his gesture is not only gotten high on betwixt me and those of my household but by every fellow citizen of this country who postulate in the spirit of inseparableness and rapprochement. I will not bloviate or rather bummer you much with a circuitous bordereau of my stint in the slammer. However, I will readily state that life in the penal institution is not a walk in the park fellow citizens. It is not something you inure to. Moreover, interacting with a coterie of insipid faineants on a daily basis can make you suffer from intellectual malaise. But as the English would say, every cloud has a silver lining. It is my sincere hope that my incarceration and the events leading to my subsequent release will clear the misconceptions a lot of people have about myself. Some people have a erroneous mental representation of my true character. Im perceived as a braggart by some folks. But truth be told. Would I be standing here as a free man if indeed Im an arrogant individual or a braggadocio if you so desire? Folks, Im cognizant with the palpability that most Zambians are indolent when it comes to reading or listening to interminable speeches so I will end here. I wish everyone of you a frolicsome Christmas and opulent 2015. I thank you all.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 18:03:54 +0000

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