December 13. Chapter 26. The Science of KRIYA Yogai. 20.20 - TopicsExpress


December 13. Chapter 26. The Science of KRIYA Yogai. 20.20 Kathmandu. Outward ritual can not destroy ignorance, because they are not mutually contradictory, wrote Shankara in his famous CENTURY OF VERSES. Realized knowledge alone destroys ignorance....... Knowledge cannot spring up by any other means than inquiry. Who am I? How was this universe born? Who is its maker? What is its material cause? This is the kind of inquiry referred to. The intellect has no answer for these questions; hence rishis evolved yoga as the technique of spiritual inquiry. KRIYA YOGA is the real fire rite often extolled in the BHAGAVAD GITA. The purifying fires of yoga bring eternal illumination, and thus differ much from outward and little effective religious fire ceremonies, where perception of truth is oft burnt, to solemn chanted accompaniment, along with the incense ! The advanced yogi, withholding all his mind, will, and feeling from false identification with bodily desires, uniting his mind with superconciousness forces in the spinal shrines, thus lives in this world as God hath planned, not impelled by impulse from the past nor by new witlessnesses of fresh human motivation. Such a yogi receives fulfillment of his Supreme Desire, safe in final haven of inexhaustibly blissful Spirit.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 14:49:07 +0000

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