December 2, 2014 prompt: The Tree of Life - or faces - art by - TopicsExpress


December 2, 2014 prompt: The Tree of Life - or faces - art by Keri Colestock (Gary) Serendipity - searching for a subject for a poem in my proposed West Nile Virus book, I discovered a jewel and as I wrote for Saturdays prompt a warrior battling Lymes disease and now cancer: : a tick taking the most of her but she resists pushing back with her talent she will never bend Keris incredible story may be found here -- https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.571752122865528.1073741897.100000922366735&type=1&l=e38f77b612 All of her art is incredible and may be found here -- https://facebook/keri.colestock/photos_albums Other versions of the faces may be seen here, many musical instrutments. I was drawn to Tree of Life because of the faces. In my view, poets, indeed any artist, is like the tree. We are full of people - faces of all kinds - melancholy and joyous, triumphant and defeated, creative and blocked - an infinite number, even non-people - flora, fauna and mineral. Without them, our work would be be weaker - static. Who are your faces? What are their background? One of Keris is Up Shit Creek Paddle. Who makes your tanka live?
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 00:20:34 +0000

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