December 2011 Yesterday was Christmas Day. It was a great day. We - TopicsExpress


December 2011 Yesterday was Christmas Day. It was a great day. We went to my daughter Jessica’s house. It was the first time one of our children hosted Christmas Day. Thank you Jess & Josh. My experiment has been going on for ten months, It is the time of year when we all cross over into a new season. I feel that I am crossing over in my faith. My eyes continually look at my circumstances for proof that being in prayer and the Word is working. Lately I have been able to take my gaze from what is seen and fix my eyes on what is not seen, the invisible realm. It is not my natural eyes that see the invisible realm. It is the eyes of my heart. I believe that my circumstances are changing even though I cannot see them physically changing as quickly as I want. My thinking and believing are also changing. In the past I would read the Bible and receive a word of faith. Over the last thirty years I have received many words of faith, some wonderful and encouraging words, these words have been fairly unpredictable. They have been God’s gift to me at different times and in different ways. Now as I read the bible I believe every word has the breath of God on it and in it. I have realized that I don’t read for the sake of knowledge. I read because I am thirsty and hungry. Hungry for spiritual life. I am only satisfied these days by words of formation instead of words containing information. Adam and Eve chose the tree of knowledge. There was another tree in the garden called the tree of life! This explains what has happened to me lately. I have chosen Life! It appears my mind is being fed, but what is really happening is that I am eating and drinking spiritual words for their spiritual life by the Holy Spirit into my spirit. My mind has become a little stronger because it has received a little more knowledge. My spirit is where the growth has been. My spirit can perceive spiritual truth far easier now. That is why I can believe even though my circumstances appear unchanged or little changed. My favourite scripture at the moment is Romans 8:2 “The law of the spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” This thought that life is stronger than death has been planted in my mind and into my heart. Because I am reading these words that contain life I have begun to expect that everything that represents death will start breaking from my situation. My world can be split into two headings. Things that are good for me manifest out of life and things that oppose me have death behind them. So I can put debt and sickness in the death column. Here is another favourite scripture Romans 8.11 “And if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal body through the spirit, who lives in us.” I must be better off if there is more of God’s life around me and in me. So reading God’s Word and praying must be a good idea. I have always struggled to maintain positive speech while in a negative situation. My work takes me into retirement villages every week. In fact I have been surrounded by the elderly for over 20 years. There is a speech pattern that the elderly share and it’s not often a positive one. Their bodies and minds are slowly being overtaken by the ravages of old age. So most of their observations are based on facts. Sarah and Abraham had the same problem. Romans 4:19-21 Abraham faced the fact that his body was as good as dead. Since he was about 100 years old. Some of my customers are between eighty and one hundred years old. For over twenty years I have been watching people age and die. This has affected my own thinking and speech patterns. Abraham and Sarah received a renewing of their bodies. God enabled them to have a son, when it was physically impossible. Something has happened to me lately because I find that I am no longer influenced by an older person’s mindset. I have been given the ability to believe for my health and my life to get fitter and better as I get older. Before this, everything was about growing old gracefully. But now my focus has changed from death to life, my expectation has changed and so has my speech. I am believing for God to miraculously uphold Lorna and myself in all our circumstances. Psalm 103:5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles . Old age really had gained the upper hand. Now the life of God has gained the upper hand. All our battles are lost or won in our heart and in our believing. This was a battle that I was always losing. This is a battle that I am now winning. The law of the spirit of life has set me free from the law of sin and death.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 02:59:57 +0000

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