December 21 Daily Devotional Luke 2:10 - The great joy of good - TopicsExpress


December 21 Daily Devotional Luke 2:10 - The great joy of good news! Why was the birth of Christ an announcement of good news and great joy? Was it because our Savior had finally come? Yes, but more than that. Our Lord’s birth was God’s miraculous entry into our lives – yours and mine. It was a miraculous expression of God’s love, and it’s in the miraculous aspect of the event that we can find the joy of the event! When you walk in the miraculous with God, joy is the inevitable by-product. When Christmas carolers sing the classic song “Joy to the world, our Savior’s come…”, do we really understand and appreciate the miraculous aspect of the event itself? Most of us do not, and that’s why Christmas isn’t as powerful or as meaningful as it should be to most believers. When I stop and ponder the actual event, I just marvel at God’s love, power and majesty. When I look at the Nativity scene, I try to look beyond the classic images we all so well remember. I don’t just see a baby in a manger, surrounded by Joseph, Mary, a few shepherds and some stable animals. I see the miraculous! I see God doing something for us that is absolutely impossible, yet doing it nonetheless. A virgin giving birth to a baby? Not just any baby either – God’s baby! Think about that for a moment. Christmas is not about trees, lights, decorations, “Black Friday Discounts” and 4th quarter sales figures. It’s not about egg nog and cookies. It’s not about presents under our tree, and some fat guy dressed in red, coming down our chimney and riding around all night in a sleigh pulled by a bunch of frost-bitten reindeer! It’s all about the miraculous foundation to Christianity. Our faith is rooted in the miraculous workings of God, and it must never depart from that foundation. Remember that, and protect that truth all the days of your life, because many are committed to seeing these truths eliminated from every aspect of society.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:30:00 +0000

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