December 23 1973 I went into labor with the first baby that I - TopicsExpress


December 23 1973 I went into labor with the first baby that I carried to term . We were staying at Mama and Daddys because Mama was worried about me and I think she knew I was scared too . I had already lost two babies . So about 4:00 in the morning I started having pains but not close together enough to go to the hospital I hurt all day Christmas eve and finally went to the hospital but they said go back home your not in labor . So home we went . About 3:00 am Christmas morning back we went and I was admitted . But this was in prehistoric times and no epidural and no pain meds so all day I laid in pain all by myself Jerry in the waiting area nurses would come in and one would tell me to take slow deep breaths the next nurse told me to fast breaths . So finally they took me to the delivery room and I had pushed Aimees head out then they so kindly put me to sleep I really thought they had given me the greatest of favors that is until I gave birth to Jerreeann without pain meds and found out after the head was out pain was basically over . She was born 3:09 pm 12-25-73 6lb 3oz 18 inches and the lady who was in the room with me who had her little girl that morning and her wonderful husband brought us complete Christmas dinner it was wonderfull . But as I said in Matthews story Jenny always said I just had them on holidays to get out of cooking ! Oh I forgot the first time I saw my beautiful little tiny baby girl she was brought to me in a adorable red and white flannel christmas stocking which she used as her stocking from then on . Oh did I mention Aimee thought everybody got a Christmas tree for there birthday for years then we had to finally burst her little bubble so sad ! I absolutely love all three of my beautiful babies and no matter how old yall get your always my babies forever !♡♡♡♡♡ Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas my loves
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 08:30:58 +0000

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