December 24, 2010 When Donald Tsang met Hu Jing Tao in Beijing - TopicsExpress


December 24, 2010 When Donald Tsang met Hu Jing Tao in Beijing on December 22, Hu appeared to care about Hong Kong people and asked Donald Tsang to take care of Hong Kong people, when it is known all over the world that under Hu, Chinas Mr Zhao Lian Hai (趙連海 ) has been jailed just because he tried to fight for the rights of babies suffering from poisonous milk !!! Not to mention millions of Chinese people who are still suffering everyday under the tyranny of Chinese Communist Party, whose names we do not even know - their voices unheard, their tears unseen !!! Mr Zhao should consider himself very lucky already !!! What a sarcastic joke that such a black humour show by Hu with Tsang is widely reported by media !!! If the Philippines hostages did not receive such huge publicity, will Hong Kong government pay such high attention and really care so much ? One friend said it is another show worth performing ! Hong Kong people are not stupid ! So far one guy who really cares and has decided to do something good for Hong Kong by chasing the police for a reply but before he could carry out his promise, he suddenly disappeared from his position. I am beginning to wonder what has actually happend to him and where is he now ??? One guy commented very appropriately that we have turned ourselves into “The Sick Man of the Far East - 東亞病夫 because of the large number of babies already in ill-health at such an early stage, thanks to the care and attention of Chinese Communist Party under Hu. What do Chinese Communist Party care, do they care about Chinese people ? You must be kidding, Chinese Communist Party only care about their own power, popularity and possessions !!! Does Donald Tsang care about Hong Kong people ? You must be kidding too ! When he said he would do a good job, he really means he will do his best to please Chinese Communist Party !!! When he claims he is a Catholic, he should be servant to God, but now he has chosen to become slave of devils !!! How can you expect Donald Tsang to take care of Hong Kong peoples interests except the interests of the rich and the powerful !!! Indeed there are heeps of grievances and injstice in Hong Kong after 1997 as stated by the Head of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (聖公會) Mr Kwong (鄺保羅) in his Christmas speech, but what can Hong Kong people do now that we are under the claws of Chinese Communist Party ??? The British ought to be blamed for not fighting for more rights for Hong Kong people before returning “The Pearl of the Orient to Chinese Communist Party in view of the devil deeds of CCP since 1949 !!! Human beings do not seem to learn from history !!! Let me draw your special attention to the following which shows actually Hong Kong government do not care about the reputation of Hong Kong as an international financial centre, ignore the rule of law and instead help crooks to continue operate in Hong Kong, as displayed on the banners of victims of Lehman mini bond scandal in Hong Kong that Hong Kong financial centre is dead - 香港金融中心已死, unfortunately media in Hong Kong also help Tanrich crooks too as can be found at the bottom of this message. From Chairman of Tanrich crooks to Devil Yip and Andy Wu (photo attached) , the whole company are full of crooks, thats why an American told me Tanrich, they are crooks, how can you be cheated !!!? The woman named Lau Yim Ling (劉艷玲) working for Tanrich as Managing Director still has her Forex Column in am730 although she was criticised by SFC for her misconduct since April 2004. Apparently a dozen of Tanrich crooks key people have some sort of free advertising in various media : 證監會譴責劉艷玲行為失當 capital-hk/ Cover Story: 葉德華統領敦沛 今年是敦沛金融控股有限公司(812)創立20周年。20年來,敦沛從原來單一從事期貨買賣的金融機構,發展到今日提供證券、資產管理、保險、企業融資及財務等金融服務,創辦人兼集團主席葉德華肯定功不可沒。...... Indeed this Yip De Hua must have contributed a lot to the growth of this crook company, apart from the help of Hong Kong Law and media, wonder if Devil Yip (photo attached) and this Yip are related SFC reprimands and fines Tanrich Futures Ltd, bans its former responsible officer Yip Man Fan The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has resolved compliance issues with Tanrich Futures Ltd (Tanrich Futures) (Note 1) and banned its former responsible officer, Mr Yip Man Fan, for nine months (Note 2). Someone recently provided me with a copy of one of those crook companies propaganda book and found the owner of this company took pictures with half a dozen past governors of Hong Kong, including the current Mr Donald Tsang, top people from China Liaison Office, a bunch of CCP officials from China and many others. No wonder crooks can survive for so many years in Hong Kong ! I am praying that Santa Claus will come to town and bring me a Christmas present by helping me to resolve the problem of crooks in Hong Kong, and I hope every member of Hong Kong government will start thinking how can they do a good job for Hong Kong people in the years to come, helping others is helping yourselves !!! 天有眼 天網恢恢疏而不漏 天有耳 鶴鳴九皋聲聞于天 天有靈 善惡到頭終有報 天喜善良 人善人欺天不欺, 人惡人怕天不怕。 善惡到頭終有報, 若然未報,時辰未到。 時辰一到,通通都報。 古詩中說:「善惡若無報,乾坤必有私!」劊子手手起刀落之際,竇娥的一腔熱血奇蹟般地飛濺到懸在半空的白綾之上,竟然一滴也沒灑在地上。竇娥人頭落地之時,竟真的陰風起大雪飄。片刻前人還汗流浹背,頃刻間,一個個抱膀縮肩跑回家去,連說怪事、怪事。竇娥死後果真是大旱三年,顆粒無收。當地百姓人人皆知是上天在為竇娥鳴不平! 多年後,竇娥的父親金榜得中,做了高官。回鄉省親時,重審竇娥一案,殺了誣告的兇徒和貪官,為竇娥平反了冤屈,鄉親們紛紛來看望竇父,說:「 我們早知道竇娥是冤枉的,怎奈畏懼貪官的權勢,而敢怒不敢言。可是我們又沒加害竇娥為甚麼要受這三年大旱之苦呢?」竇父說:「你們明知竇娥是冤的,卻不敢說句公道話,是謂不義。更有人相信貪官,認為竇娥真的殺了人,而誣蔑忠良,是謂不仁。上天有眼,沒有無妄之災,天災人禍就是在懲治不仁不義之徒哪!」 由此看來,明知好人被冤枉、被誣告而保持沉默就是不義之舉,屈服於惡勢力就是姑息養奸、縱容邪惡。 ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 5:29 PM Subject: This shows the level of civilization and wisdom of our ancestors TO : Every single member of Hong Kong Government KK Leung said they cannot find Tanrich crooks guilty from the recording provided by Tanrich crooks. First of all, has Tanrich crooks provided all the recordings ? KK Leung said they only need the part recording the transactions, as if the rest of the recording does not relate to this case at all !!! As mentioned, one of Tanrich crooks own people admitted Tanrich crookss bad reputation created by 17/F Central Plaza, Wanchai, Hong Kong have affected their reputation in Hong Kong, thus resulting in the work of the 16/F people becoming difficult due to the bad reputation. Is this not another evidence of Tanrich crooks ? When Devil Yip (photo attached) came the first time with a book re Tanrich Futures Ltd (敦沛期貨有限公司)located on the 16/F, saying it is a listed company, she did not clarify 17/F Tanrich Buillion (敦沛金業)where she came from has nothing to do with 16/F and not even memebr of CGSE. This is a major misleading lie already !!! When she called the next day and brought Andy Wu (photo of half face attached) into the picture, they were only pushing me to sign the contract and never let me have time to read or explain the consequences of signing this devil paper. It is a notorious fact that the whole industry are operated by crooks. I will not even trust my friend a few thousand dollars if the investment is not guaranteed, on what basis can Devil Yip and Wu crooks do to make me trust them such a large sum of money if they did not verbally lie and guarantee ? Before going to the bank, Devil Yip brought me to the 16/F Central Plaza and showed me the whole floor belongs to Tanrich but she never said a word that 16/F has nothing to do with 17/F. When 16/F claims they have nothing to do with 17/F, how come Yip Man Fan the Chairman would allow 17/F crooks to damage the reputation of Tanrich when reputation is an intangible asset ?? I know how hard it is to make money so I am very conservative and will do nothing unless there is guarantee, over the years I have learned from numerous bad experiences there are enough crooks in this world that can get you into trouble !!! I have never bought stocks and shares once in Hong Kong which is very rare to people in Hong Kong because as mentioned I do not need unnecessary hassles and headaches. You can check my bank and they can show you how conservative I am !!! There have been God knows how many such crook cases by various such crook companies over dont how many years and you still tell me you dont have enough evidence ????!!!!! The first time I talked to KK Leung I mentioned that in the Sung Dynasty Judge Bao was able to resolve a very difficult case over a black basin ( 包公審烏盆), not to mention all the extremely impossible cases handled by Judge Bao, thats why he is remembered even today as the Blue Sky Bao (包青天) , this is 流芳百世 . If Hong Kong is run by people of your calibre, how can anybody not worried about the future of Hong Kong ?? You have more than enough evidence over the years to bring justice to this bunch of crooks, you have done such a bad job on this problem causing so many Hong Kong people to suffer unnecessary losses and pain for so many years. The whole industry is run by crooks and it is a notorious fact that even the old men and women on the street of Hong Kong know !!!! You still dare to ask for more evidence ? Do you want to show how incompetent and incapable you have been over all these years on this issue alone ??? To be famous (流芳百世) or notorious (遺臭萬年)are both very difficult to achieve, I hope you are not driving at the latter. Let me remind you if you ever achieve the latter, you would also have accumulated so much bad karma as well, which will be very painful to repay !!! The amount of pain and suffering you cause other people will eventually fall back on yourselves, plus interest !!! Whether you believe or not does not change the fact !!! Please dont play with your own future !!! The earthquake in Shenzhen has also affected Hong Kong on November 19, 2010. As mentioned before, viruses and other natural calamities are not afraid of guns, they can fall on anybody any time any date they want !!! From day one I can feel HK government are not at all helping me. Of course you cannot get rid me immediately, so you play the game of beating around the bush and apply the delaying tactic hopefully to discourage me and make me lose hope and patience and eventually disappear on my own accord. Let me tell you loud and clear this time you will not succeed because you have driven your luck way too far !!! For the last ten years you have gotten away like murder, from now on you will not because it is becoming more and more dangerous for you if you continue behaving in such a manner !! Not only will you drive yourselves towards the direction of hell, but your appalling behaviour will also bring bad luck to Hong Kong people as well !!! Cheng Wing Ho from Donald Tsangs office will not even answer the phone although he is in his office all the time. The others such as Tang King Shings office etc just turn a blind eye and deaf ear ! No one with responsibility in Hong Kong wants to be bothered. KK Leung and Tsui keep repeating they can find Tanrich crooks not guilty. When they showed the typing of the recording content provided by Tanrich crooks, they feel they have done so much work already. I hope they realise if Hong Kong government keep proper law and order, they would have reduced a huge amount of crimes which will result in much less work for themselves. They kept saying they are very busy, if they continue to help crooks and the moral standards continue to slide steeply, they can only become more and more busy because they ask for it. If they dont want to help themselves, who else can ??? Hong Kong people under the rule of Hong Kong government only want to make money and make it quick that they care less and less about other people. The recent case of banks trying to get A$ from their clients show banks are getting very greedy, thats why we have this Lehman mini bond scandal in Hong Kong, and a week ago telephone company A called to say they will increase their monthly charge and ask whether I want to extend the contract which will expire end of this year. I naturally want to think about it and then company B suddenly came up with a much cheaper rate which is only half price of company A. Of course I switch to company B. After all the formalities of change is completed, company B ask me to check the accurate expiry date of company A, only then I found out no one ever called me from company A, and meantime they have extended the contract for another year but I told them company B offer half price, so company A said they will extend the same rate. When I called company B and tried to clarify the situation, they just said they will cancel the whole thing. This shows someone is trying to snatch business by lying. I can see there can only be more and more of such bad behaviour since even the government advocate such behaviour !!! The Hong Kong government now under the control of CCP are setting extremely bad example to Hong Kong people, how can you expect crimes, lying and cheating will decrease in the years to come ???!!! Sent: Friday, December 03, 2010 6:30 PM Subject: Mrs Anson Chan the second TO : Hong Kong Government It seems Hong Kong government has adopted the policy of ignoring my case by delaying for as long as possible. If I do not say a word, no one would ever contact me at all. It is now even so difficult to get hold of anybody except the telephonist behaving just like a machine. No one really cares !!! If you are lucky enough to get hold of someone, they keep repeating they can only act according to the law. They do not seem to realise the dead law is created by human beings who are alive. This dead law has been protecting crooks for so many years and even they themselves admit so many people have been cheated over the years and they still allow themselves bound by dead law, which means they are helping crooks all these years, otherwise how can crooks operate so smoothly ??? Under the dead law, they will NEVER find crooks guilty. When you get extremely frustrated with their attitude and manners, they simply hung up on you !!!!!!! Indeed like the wise man described Hong Kong government as dead pig not afraid of boiling water “死豬不怕開水燙”. Even if you die in front them, they dont care !!! Indeed we have to “自求多福” !!! I am hoping to find a second Mrs Anson Chan in the Hong Kong government with conscience and truly cares ! I would like to ask whether there is anybody left in the Hong Kong government with conscience ? One day you will have to account for your behaviour. There will be consequences for whatever you do, be it good or bad !!! Catholics should be well aware of the Final Judgment Day !!! I refuse to be bound by dead law !!! It is a notorious fact that the whole industry are operated by crooks, what more evidence do you want ??? China is referred to as the Land of Divine (神州大地) and our culture is also divine (神傳文化). If the government really care, they should do their best to rivive our divine culture because only then will moral standards also be elevated at the same time. All the problems we face are a result of deterioration of moral standards !!! Human beings only try to scratch the surface and never seem to have th ability to get to the core of the problems. If only human beings are not so greedy, selfish and power hungry etc., the environment will change with immediate effect. Unfortunately our devine and superior culture has been badly damaged and destroyed and replaced by evil CCP culture !!! Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 12:52 PM Subject: TO : Hong Kong Government TO : Hong Kong Government For your information, the following was also cheated by Tanrich crooks as well : QUOTE 2010/9/24 William Hui Hi, Huang, I have read you fax today, and I have been cheated by Tanrich too. Cheers, W.H. UNQUOTE Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 2:48 PM Subject: Tanrich crooks A woman named Lau Yim Ling (劉艷玲) working for Tanrich as Managing Director has a Forex Column in am730. Apparently a dozen of Tanrich crooks key people have some sort of free advertising in various media. Last time I spotted almost a free page for Yvonne Cham on page 28 of Metro Newspaper dated March 29, 2010 ! If the recent case about a female tour guide forcing Mainland Chinese tourists to spend money on shopping is damaging to Hong Kongs image, what makes you think these crooks openly rob under the protection of the law is not only damaging Hong Kongs reputation but also insulting to Hong Kong government !!! Does every problem and mistake have to make a huge impact such as the tour guide issue before someone will do something ??? And Ms Cheng Ching Man from John Tsangs office said the beautiful part of Hong Kong is : Before you find someone guilty under the law, they are free to do whatever they want !!! Same goes with Tang King Shings office !!! And if you ask for an appointment to meet with people like John Tsang or Tang King Shing or anybody with some responsibility, their office will tell you no way, meaning who are you ??? I only want to ensure Hong Kong should continue to remain as a decent place !!! With best wishes. ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 1:01 PM Subject: Tanrich crooks Ladies and Gentlemen Please find the following comments and feedbacks for your information. Kindly do your best to free Hong Kong from crooks !!! With best wishes. ---------- 轉寄的郵件 ---------- 寄件者: BILL YANG 日期: 2010年7月19日下午6:07 主旨: RE: Tanrich crooks does this company still exist?? that is really notorious company that Ive heard a lot of cases! ---------- 轉寄的郵件 ---------- 寄件者: Parker Lau 日期: 2010年6月16日上午10:13 主旨: Re: Tanrich crooks Thx for the info. But this company is well known of cheating already. P Sent from mobile ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Eric Date: 2010/6/17 Subject: 回复:Fw: Tanrich crooks There is no control for gold industry in Hong Kong. No SFC monitoring for such inudstry. -- Eric Man 文鴻基 Executive Director 執行董事 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Date: 2010/6/22 Subject: RE: Fw: Tanrich crooks Unfortunately I know several crooks who operate with impunity in Hong Kong and across the border. They list companies on the Stock Exchange, buy and sell shares amongst themselves, transfer assets offshore, hide from the IRD, etc, etc I am pleased to see that someone is trying to expose at last one of these unscrupulous businesspeople/companies, but good luck getting anywhere with it. Sincerely Ink and Toner Group Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 4:20 PM Subject: Tanrich - 敦沛 Every single staff of Hong Kong government Please note the following magazine is helping crooks to promote : - as mentioned to John Tsangs office, on page 28 of Metro Newspaper dated March 29, 2010, there was almost a full page of Tanrich crooks featuring a woman named Yvonne Cham, Assistant Vice President at Tanrich Futures Limited - Simon Ting (丁世民), managing director of Tanrich crooks appeared on TV, also seems extremely popular on website and widely reported by various media
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 16:13:04 +0000

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