December 25th and why we celebrate the birth of Christ. No one - TopicsExpress


December 25th and why we celebrate the birth of Christ. No one knows what day Jesus was born; but we Christian celebrate this date because we believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God which is given unto mankind for the remission of our sins. The name Christmas comes from the Mass of Christ a Mass is a communion service. Christian remember that Jesus gave His life for us; not only did He die but He also came back to life for our justification. Now the history of the Christ-Mass was the only service allowed to take place after sunset and before sunrise the next day. So many people held it at midnight. And the name Christ-Mass got shortened to Christmas. The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated was in 336AD, during the time of Constantine he was the first Roman Emperor Christian. A few years later Pope Julius officially declared that the birth of Christ would be celebrated on December 25th. Many different traditions and theories as to why we celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th and one of the earliest is that Mary the mother of Jesus was told on March 25th she would have a very special baby the Son of God. Nine months after March 25th is December 25th. Some early Christian also believe March 25th was the day the world was made and also the day that Jesus died for the remission of our sins. We also have history that December 25th was a date when other celebrations were already going on such as the Winter Solstice, the pagan Roman midwinter festivals called Saturnalia and Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. So December was a time when people were already celebrating things. There are strong and practical reasons why Jesus wasnt born in the winter but in spring or autumn. So with that being said. We are told by our Heavenly Father not to get caught up in dates or those types of things. I Celebrate the birth of Christ because I know without a doubt Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. And our Heavenly Father said this of our Lord this is my beloved Son hear Him. Christian celebrate because we believe so Merry Christmas and Happy birthday Jesus the Son of God. Thanks for the greatest gift ever given life through Christ everlasting. Please read Luke the second chapter to your children tonight and share the greatest gift you can with your love ones. Bro Randy Moore
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 20:23:55 +0000

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