December 28,2014 THE SERVANT OF SERVANTS Let this mind be - TopicsExpress


December 28,2014 THE SERVANT OF SERVANTS Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus ( Phil.2:5). This Scripture indicates that our attitude toward others should be shaped by the infinite sacrifice we see in the incarnation. When our Lord set aside heavens glory, He became the Servant of servants. If our celebration of the birth Mother Marys Son does not soften and sensitize our feelings toward one another, we may be using the occasion of Christmas as an excuse for a selfish kind of giving and receiving. As we review what the Son of God gave up when He came to this earth, we should remember this one when He came to this earth, we should remember this one who suffers little does not groan in the presence of one suffers much. For instance, would it be appropriate to complain bitterly about painful hands while at Tala Leprosarium where people have ulcerated feet, knobby stubs at the end of their arms? What kind of a man would whine about sore feet to a person who had no feet at all? The day when i arrived in the Philippines from my mission in Spain, Basel, Switzerland, Rome, UK, Canada and the USA, i suffered from an inflamed left foot and plantar fasciitis i cant even take a step without pain. I used the wheelchair for one week, but i did not count this an excuse not to serve God ( Phil.4:12-13). In an infinitely greater way we should think seriously about the birth of Christ, for represents the beginning of an ultimate sacrifice that makes all our petty inconveniences fade into insignificance. The eternal God humbled himself and became a man who lived and died for us. What right have we, then, to complain when he commands us to serve one another? This lesson may be difficult to accept, but its at the very heart of the incarnation. To commemorate Christs birth properly, we must become a servant of the servant of servants!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 03:26:56 +0000

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