December 29, 2014 Technically Christmas is over and we are now - TopicsExpress


December 29, 2014 Technically Christmas is over and we are now in the process of saying good bye to 2014 and hello to 2015. However, one of the main points I have tried to stress this year is that we make Christmas more than a day, more than a season, but that we make the Spirit of Christmas part of our lives every day. Communication is a funny thing in that people react differently to the same set of words. This was true when Jesus was born. There were three different reactions: • Some people were upset • Some people were oblivious; they didn’t have a clue what had happen on that first Christmas night. • Some people were thrilled with the message. These same reactions to the Christmas story still take place in our society today. • Some people are upset with the real message of Christmas; they want to stamp it out by getting rid of nativity scenes, real Christmas carols and etc. • Some celebrate the event without signifying the reason for the Season. • Some are thrilled with the message of redemption that Christmas brings. It is not “Will I react?” but “How will I react?” that is the real question. This week I want to look at three different Bible Characters that are in the Nativity story and see how they responded to the birth of Christ. First, I want to look at King Herod. Herod was disturbed at the news that a baby had been born to become the King of the Jews. Matthew 1:3, “When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.” Herod was troubled and not only was Herod troubled all of Jerusalem was troubled with him. Why did this message bother Herod so much? Gene Williams said Herod was concerned because he didn’t want anything to disturb his self-centered, self-controlled life. If what the wise men was saying was true there would now be competition for the throne. Not only did that thought bother Herod but it bothered all of Jerusalem who had adjusted to Herod’s rules, life style and was resistant to change. Can I just make some statements here that bother people even bothers me sometimes? • When Jesus comes He requires Lordship in our lives. He requires the throne room of our hearts. • When Jesus comes He requires change, changes that we often are uncomfortable in making. • Jesus often requests that we quit doing some things and start doing other things and that often makes us feel uncomfortable. • We are often comfortable with a warm cuddling Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes but the fact of the matter is He is more than that. He wants to be Lord and have first place in our hearts and lives.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:22:18 +0000

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