December 3, 2014 It is all about Him! Why do you think that - TopicsExpress


December 3, 2014 It is all about Him! Why do you think that we call it Christmas? Why would anyone want to try and change the name of this season? What is the motive behind it? Doesn’t that seem to go a great deal deeper than the name of the season? Why do away with all the manager scenes and all the things that make Christmas, Christmas? There’s only one reason, and it’s because some people are afraid of the things that they nothing about and had rather avoid the truth. At the same time many of us as Christians have been silent for way too long. That’s why we’re in such a mess in our country. We’re a blessed country because God has so blessed us. We are still at least a free country because of the blessings of God. Yet, we often fail to realize the great responsibility that goes with being blessed and free. So, someone has to be the “Watchman” on the wall to help and maintain that freedom and the blessings. That’s where we as Christians come in and must continue to hold high the banner of the Cross. We must be salt and light to our culture. But that’s a sermon for another day. Let’s get back to the thought of Christmas and Who this season is all about. When we read what the angel had to say to Joseph about the pregnancy of his wife Mary, we catch a glimpse of the real meaning and purpose of Christmas. Joseph too, is like most of us as men today. He loved Mary the woman he was engaged to and looked forward to a long and happy life together. But, now he had some doubts about the future when he found that his wife to be was going to have a baby. This is more than as that old saying goes, “a fly in the ointment.” This was a big deal and he knew as the months went by, it was going to be a bigger deal. When they are great with child it is no longer a hide and conceal it is the “big cover-up.” All the jokes and funny stuff aside, if any man was in Joseph’s shoes, it was time to do something. What would he do, break off the engagement due to unfaithfulness, or have her stoned? That was a day when a pregnancy outside of marriage was not looked on in any way but with shame and disgrace. They had grown-up in a time when this when proved was to be punished by public stoning. Now, Joseph has a defining moment where we find out just what sort of man he was. Does he really love her? Or will he see to it that she gets what she deserves according to the law? Well, Christmas has the answer. Well, an angel appeared to Joseph, who had come to a decision to put her away privately. The reason, he really loved her and his love for her would not let him destroy her and, an unborn baby. Listen, to the words of the angel in Matthew 1:20-21, “Joseph, you son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary your wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. 21And she shall bring forth a son, and you shall call His name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins.” In verse 21, is where we find the reason for Christmas. His name is JESUS! And why, because He will save His people from their sins. There is a song called “There is Something About that Name.” Yes there is something about that name. When a person knows Him as Savior and Lord there is truly something about that name. Its the name that is above all other names. He is the only One who has come to give His life as a ransom. And that is why we give gifts, because He was the first gift as He (God) came down out of heaven to die in our place for our sin debt. Then He offers to us the gift of eternal life that is received by repentance and faith. So, in the words of someone else, “He’s the Reason for the Season.” That is not hard, let’s see if we can get it right, pass it around and get some of this confusion cleared up, and give to Him your life and you will be so glad that you did. It will make all the difference in you and your world!!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 11:22:35 +0000

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