Deception from Higher Dimensional Entities Posted by Enoch Tan - - TopicsExpress


Deception from Higher Dimensional Entities Posted by Enoch Tan - Share this article with friends! Print This Post Some people think that just because information is being channeled from a higher source, such information must be divine truth and not prone to error. They do not know that higher dimensional entities can differ in their levels of awareness as well as their intentions to help or deceive us. The intellect is not the lowest level of knowing. In fact the intellect exists all the way to the highest levels of consciousness. You must use your own reason and judgment to discern what is ultimately true for yourself all ways. Encounter groups, radical therapies, old and new combinations of theories and practice are forms of techno-spirituality. Anyone could evoke some desirable experience by manipulating awareness at the basic physical and psychological levels. Never mind that all of this bypassed the vital processes of reason and conscious decision making. By its very nature, the whole techno-spiritual machine operates completely without critical thinking. It taps the bottomless pit of emotion which results mostly in confusion. Such spiritual groups that involve practices that mostly bypass the conscious level are cults. The cults completely destroy the mind. They destroy your ability to question things, and in destroying your ability to think, they also destroy your ability to feel. They have the ability to come up to you and talk to you about anything they feel you’re interested in. Their technique is to get your attention, then your trust. The minute they get your trust, just like that they can put you in the cult. You will become stupefied. When you deprogram people, you FORCE them to think. Shoot them the right questions, and they get frustrated when they can’t answer. They think they have the answer; they’ve been given answers to everything. Keep them off balance and force them to begin questioning, to open their minds. When the mind gets to a certain point, they can see through all the lies that they’ve been programmed to believe. They realize that they’ve been duped and start to come out of it. Their minds start working again. Well, at this point, we have a pretty good idea that all the “sources” that do exactly that may have an agenda that is not necessarily inclusive of our Free Will! Yes, they may give truth about the cosmos and describe for us the many planes and realities and “laws” and so on and so forth. But, it seems that many of them have done so in such a way as to not only obscure the real things we need to be applying ourselves to here at OUR level, but in ways designed to actually keep us limited within this level! What good does it do us to know that, at the highest level, all IS ONE, when the lesson of THIS level is to CHOOSE one or the other? It is rather like teaching a child the theory of flying a jet plane when, in actual fact, that child has no access to a jet, and even if he did, would not fit the seat, could not reach the controls, and would have no practical experience to guide him even if he could overcome those difficulties, so that at the first sign of any variable, he would end up crashing burning into utter paralysis. Over and over again the message of conscious awakening is “Think! Use your mind! Discover!” You are given only slight hints, and then refused to be given any more data until you have gone out and “done your homework.” Questions prompt reflection, reflection prompts analysis, analysis prompts conclusions, which builds knowledge, which fosters protection! Learning builds spiritual growth, and awareness “solidifies” knowledge. You can only fully know what you know when you learn all that is needed. There is an Eastern tale which speaks about a very rich magician who had a great many sheep. But at the same time this magician was very mean. He did not want to hire shepherds, nor did he want to erect a fence about the pasture where his sheep were grazing. The sheep consequently often wandered into the forest, fell into ravines, and so on, and above all they ran away, for they knew that the magician wanted their flesh and skins and this they did not like. At last the magician found a great solution. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen soon enough. At any rate it was not going to happen that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it. Further the magician suggested to his sheep that they were not sheep at all; to some of them he suggested that they were lions, to others that they were eagles, to others that they were men, and to others that they were magicians. And after this all his cares and worries about the sheep came to an end. They never ran away again but quietly awaited the time when the magician would desire to skin or kill them. A LOT of people have the idea that an enlightened being IS LOVE, and that is what they radiate, and that this is a result of being enlightened. No, no and no! “Enlightened” does not mean good, just smart. All beings can radiate love whether they are enlightened or not. But love and light are two different polarities although they belong to the same spectrum. Love is emotion and light is awareness. Enlightened beings are simply more aware. Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves said YAHshua the Wise.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:01:10 +0000

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