Decide in Latin means to cut off, from. Everyday we make - TopicsExpress


Decide in Latin means to cut off, from. Everyday we make decision. We decide. We choose an option and automatically cut off from other options. Example: upon waking up from sleep every morning, we decide to wake up from bed (also mean to cut off from continue sleeping) or we decide to continue sleeping (also mean to cut off from waking up from bed). By now, while reading this, your mind starts to associate the word decide with to do something AND to cut-off from from something simultaneously. If not, read this many times or think of your personal examples. Now, as your mind is ready, lets apply this powerfully... and positively. As you stand-up to perform a prayer, what if you tell yourself in your mind, you decide to focus on the prayer. Automatically, your mind will also tell you to cut-off from other things that may make you not focused. You see, normally, before your mind is trained to associate decide with to cut off from something, you only give your focus 50%. But, as you decide to focus and to cut off from other thoughts that make you de-focus, you manage to increase your focus to almost 100%. Train your mind now by telling your mind, I decide to focus or to khusyuk. The keyword is decide. Likewise for students, tell yourself, I decide to focus on my exam. I decide to focus on my UPSR or SPM or semester exam. You decide to focus on the effort to study for the exam, mean you automatically tell your mind that you cut-off from spending your time on so many worthless activities that wont help you to be successful in your exam. Today, the students admitted that they waste a lot of time watching TV, chatting, Facebooking, interneting, sleeping, lepak2 and sembang2.... So, now, why not you decide... em... you decide to read this again hehe, to understand it better, to train your mind to associate decide not only to choose an option but also to cut off from other options. Remember, the word to cut off from. This is not new, perhaps. Because so many people have been doing it, their mind has already been trained. Without being conscious about it. Surely now you are. But, surely, many others have not. Mungkin esok pagi, anda akan decide untuk bangun solat dan cut off from terus tidur. Mungkin anda akan decide untuk rajin study and cut off from malas. Mungkin anda akan decide untuk solat berjemaah dan cut off from solat seorang diri. Mungkin akan decide untuk memaafkan seseorang dan cut off from sakit hati. Mungkin akan decide untuk berbaik sangka dan cut off from berburuk sangka. Decide untuk solat di awal waktu dan cut off from solat di akhir waktu. Decide untuk berani dan cut off from takut2. Decide to ...... and to cut off from ...... (anda isilah sendiri tempat kosong ini.... atau tulis dalam ruangan komen) :) Moga bermanfaat...
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 13:56:14 +0000

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