Decided that if you treat me with disrespect, Im not going to - TopicsExpress


Decided that if you treat me with disrespect, Im not going to respond disrespectfully or in anger. No, Im going to embrace what people keep accusing me of and censor folk from my posts. I didnt want to start doing that but Im going to have to for my own sanity. Id rather respond in this way than with names thrown around in frustration and an argument descending into petty squabbling. This doesnt mean I dont expect people to disagree with me. Im fine with that. Some of you nearly always disagree with me, although most of you can do that in a respectful manner even when inflamed by passion or by anger. I like seeing opposing views when the person is treating me as an equal and providing intriguing sources and/or arguments which Ive not seen made before. If you havent noticed this then I dont know where youve been as it happens a fair bit. In the past I have treated others how they have treated me. Now I am going to treat them as I would expect to be treated. If I begin acting like an arsehole on a status/post/link of yours, point it out then take action if I dont listen. You are allowed to do this. It is your profile for you to use in whatever way you like as long as it doesnt break the site rules. This is one of the great parts of privacy and editing features; you get to create your own experience. Other people can decide whether to engage with you or not depending on their opinion of how you run your ship, but ultimately it is not wrong to shape your page to suit you. They have the freedom to do as they please on their profile and similarly you can do what you like on your own one. If you see me as an equal or a friend then this isnt really going to affect you. I also understand that everybody has their off days. However, if your off days happen more often than not, you are probably trouble. Im not going to do this whole she/he/they are a dick until you get to know them! nonsense any more. Im not fourteen. This is posted because of an accumulation of events over the past year and is not about any one person. In fact, this is more about me than it is about others; I dont respond well to behaviour which I view as insulting, childish, and/or aggressive. I do not like the person I become in exasperation and, until I can remain cool in the face of it, I dont want to have to deal with it during my FB time.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:13:02 +0000

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