Decision Making Pray - For some this sounds like the trite - TopicsExpress


Decision Making Pray - For some this sounds like the trite response any Christian will give when they dont know what to do. Id challenge that. How about making this the first thing you do REGARDLESS of whether you know what to do or not? You might be surprised at what could happen when you pray first. By the way, Jesus was a pretty good model, when time after time ...Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:16). Seek Counsel - In all cases, seek counsel. You are not an island. You do not live in a bubble. There are people around you, those God has given you, who stand ready to provide counsel on the small and big issues in your life and ministry. Take advantage of that. The Bible says it clearly, Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success (Proverbs 15:22). Live Righteously - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need (Matthew 6:33). This is a phenomenal verse that strikes at the heart of our decision-making. When you are making a decision, make sure you have been living righteously because when you have done so, ...he will give you everything you need. Live righteously in the present and you will receive what you need (a good decision) in the future. Weigh Alternatives - When considering the pros and cons of all your options, be sure to lay them side-by-side. Do the old-school sheet of paper with a line down the middle; pros on the left and cons on the right. Youll be surprised what this simple process will do to help you clearly see the right direction you need to make. Luke 14 references a builder counting the cost before moving forward. Weighing alternatives is HUGE! Evaluate Best- and Worse-Case Scenarios - There really are bad things that can happen, and there really are good things that can happen. Play both scenarios out to their logical conclusion so you can be fully prepared. Make the Decision - In the final analysis you may have to make the decision with less-than-ideal circumstances or with incomplete information. That is the price of leadership. If it were easy, you wouldnt have to do it. Be Firm - Stick to your guns. You might be wrong, but never be in doubt. Oftentimes its the buyers remorse feeling that kicks in. Of course, if after you make the call you see the need to adjust it, then so be it. Until then walk with confidence that you have made the right call. You have prayed, sought counsel, lived righteously, weighed alternatives, evaluated best- and worse-case scenarios, made your decision, and now you are firm in that decision. In almost all cases, when you have done these seven things you can be confident you made the right call.- The Hardy Group
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 13:56:27 +0000

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