Decisions, decisions! Good morning francis Business, and - TopicsExpress


Decisions, decisions! Good morning francis Business, and life in general, involves us making decisions. As most estate agency businesses tend to be owner-run it is in some ways easier to make decisions and implement the resulting action points than it is within a corporate environment. However, the consequences of those decisions are also likely to have a greater direct impact – positive or negative. In such an environment, especially where every penny has to deliver a return, decision-making can be quite scary. Every decision carries risk and it is MUCH easier not to make a decision at all – at least you won’t lose anything! Or will you? Decisions are about change and continual improvement (or Kaizen as the Japanese call it). In this fast-paced world, standing still allows other to pass you, which is a real problem in the intensely local competitive environment of estate agency. Change makes waves, harnesses opportunity and promotes the distinction you have created. Sometimes even, change for its own sake can be a good thing (eg a new for sale board design or website livery). But every change requires a decision to be made along with the required commitment. No commitment, no decision, no change, no gain! In this context who dares – wins (usually!) The great thing about decisions that many people miss is that it is better to make a decision, and for it to turn out to be the wrong decision, than not to make a decision at all. On the basis that you have a degree of skill and experience, you have applied some reasonable business intuition, you have considered the pros and cons and, on balance, you have made a certain decision, there is a strong possibility that it will turn out to be the right decision. It is reassuring to know that those few decisions that turn out to be wrong can often be reversed with little, if any, damage, especially if you are independent of corporate constraints. So the thought for today is that if you are struggling to decide about something, go with your gut instinct and you’ll probably be right. Far better than making no decision at all! PS: The above does not apply to issues such as marriage proposals, divorce, murder or emigration! They probably require a bit more thought and in those instances it’s probably better to apply what my mother-in-law used to say: “if in doubt, don’t!” Have a great day!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 08:45:10 +0000

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