Declare Your Day Declaration Day 19: Provision and Prosperity - TopicsExpress


Declare Your Day Declaration Day 19: Provision and Prosperity I Decree and Declare that as a Born Again Believer by Faith that I can do what the bible says I can do! Be what the bible says I can be! And have what the bible says I can have! I replace my will with the will of God and accept the mind of Christ and position myself to receive all things that pertain to life and godliness through the Holy Spirit! I am not ashamed of increase and decree, declare and make known to all that I’m blessed to be a blessing! To God be the Glory!! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that God is my source, releasing exceeding great power toward me every day, in every way by Christ Jesus and the Eternal Spirit of the living God! In Jesus Name! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith by God’s eternal Spirit of grace and mercy that I now inhibit heavenly places and sit high above all principality and power, might and dominions and every name that is named! Thus I work, walk, talk, and think in authority and exercise my right to be rich and live the abundant life style given unto me by Christ Jesus! In Jesus Name!! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that today going forward I operate outside this worlds system and accumulate wealth, health, riches, honor and blessing supernaturally by divine providence, favor, righteousness, judgment and mercy In Jesus Name! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that as an heir of God and joint heir with Christ I have a right to be rich prosperous and well satisfied in all areas of my life with plenty to give and enough to meet all needs that arise with plenty to spare! In Jesus Name! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that the divine will of God is for me to dwell in my wealthy place! Multiple channels of prosperity, riches, health, wealth, abundance, and financial increase come into, invade and saturate my life now in Jesus name! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that my hearing is acute, fine-tuned and magnetized to the voice of the Holy Ghost who shall speak to me, lead and guide me into my wealthy place. Thus I will trust, follow and execute the plans of the Spirit in order to achieve my destination and inhibit this fabulous place. I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that I have arrived in my wealthy place of abundance, prosperity, riches, spiritual power, wisdom and blessing! The blessing of Abraham has exploded in my life and I now have become a channel for God’s unlimited flow of supplies and a vessel prepared for His use! In Jesus Name!! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that God is my source using many channels, of which I am one, to bless His people and accomplish His will in the earth realm. Thus as a channel I open myself up to receive and release by faith, healing, empowerment, salvation, wisdom, knowledge, creative ideas, increase, blessing, the anointing, discernment, love, reconciliation, restoration, deliverance, stability and grace all in Jesus name. I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that I let the wisdom of God envelope my spirit, mind, soul and body that I may be guided in what to say, how to say it and to whom to say it to! In Jesus Name! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that every day I expect, experience and manifest the miracles of the kingdom which validate, vindicate and confirm the Word of God in the earth realm! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that I walk, operate, pray and speak through the Spirit. I see, hear and manifest the things of the Spirit through the fruit and gifts of the Spirit of God and through my spiritual connection with the Kingdom of God I receive, am entitled to and embrace the prepared blessings that have been reserved, revealed, transferred and released into my life, family and church! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that today forward I believe all things are possible through the anointing, the Word and recognizing God as my source. I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that today my heart is filled with the presence of God and will forever provide a place for His habitation, demonstration and power! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that I walk under the anointing of Christ which has destroyed all yokes, links, chains and strongholds connected to my life and all those I connect with. Setting all totally, completely and absolutely free financially, physically, spiritually and emotionally!! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that today I flow in the anointing of Christ, grace of God and empowerment of the Holy Ghost for the fulfillment of His will for my life and advancement of humanity family and the kingdom. I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that the spirit of fear, doubt, unbelief, disobedience and deception are broken and eliminated from my life, family, ministry and church. Thus I now flow with the Trinity in peace, power, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, gifts, skills, talents of the Kingdom of God for the manifestation of His Glory in the earth realm! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that from this day forward Ill never be broke again another day of my life for the anointing has destroyed all yokes, chains, hinders, restrictions, obstacles and dams that have blocked all forms of increase, prosperity, advancement, elevations and promotions that where ordained for the fulfillment of God’s will in my life, family and church! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want! He restores my soul, anoints my head, mind and spirit and makes my soul overflow with joy, peace, power, the anointing, love, vision, dreams, directions, favor and patience. I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that I through the anointing of God shall not want, have, lack, experience poverty or suffer need but shall be completely supplied with all blessings both natural and spiritual to fulfill my destiny! Thus I attract abundance in all forms, experience financial freedom, become a lender, the head above only, and obtain all resources from God my only source, in the form of gifts, donations, rewards, grants, business transaction, miracles, divine manifestations, wealth transfers and the like that I may excel, advance the Kingdom of God and establish His covenant in the earth realm and bring Glory to His name! I decree, declare and affirm with absolute faith that today supernatural debt cancellation has taken place in my life, ministry, family and church, wealth, riches, prosperity, all currencies and financial elevation comes into my life now without delay in Jesus name Amen and Amen!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:54:46 +0000

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