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Decrypt Elite political 解密“精英政治”       --顾晓军主义:改变中国•之二千三百九十三       顾粉团的劳力,刚刚发表了篇《光喊漂亮口号只会贻害中国》,写得相当不错。不过,其中说“砖家”“叫兽”却过时了;说实在,这大约是我2009年玩的,有“叫兽”“砖家”“削者”“精蝇”等等。     在劳力之前,顾粉团作家班的东来,则发了篇《公正的解决民生问题》。于作家班,顾粉团的要求是先让我看一下;看后,我道:“可以,发吧。”但,东来发出来后,我没有给他加“***”。为什么呢?我没说,想让他悟。     卢德素心直口快,在东来的文后跟贴道:“民生问题,于今而言,非根本也,民权才是根本。民众有权,政府听民众的,民生问题易解决。”这就是我未给东来加“***”的所在。     民生问题成堆,是不是缺失公正?是。但我提出、顾粉团都在推广的是“公正第一、民权至上、自由永恒”。     当然,在卢德素提意见之后、东来已道:“评论的有道理,接受建议。动笔写之前我也有考虑到这个问题。当时的想法是放在文中与其他方面比较而言……”     正确的做法,则是--标题,可叫“民权是解决民生问题的根本”;而在文章之中,谈公正的缺失。把关系倒一倒,会更好更清晰。     我这人教学,是毫无保留。那么,会不会“教会徒弟,饿死师傅”呢?有这可能。但,这就是“平民政治”!     与“平民政治”不同的是“精英政治”。     “精英政治”,由来已久。从氏族社会、到奴隶制和帝王制的王权社会,及相伴的、以巫师之类发展起来的神权社会,和今天的资本社会,包括类神权、实际是资本在起作用的社会主义社会等等,其政治、都是“精英政治”。     “精英政治”,可以分析出它的很多性质、本质、特征等等,但,为了便于教学,我还是从我们身边的、新近发生的一些事情与问题说起,以便易学易记--     一、“精英政治”,就是忽悠政治。东来在发《公正的解决民生问题》一文给我时,道:“另,今天闲暇时刻在墙外晃荡时,发现一个链接,一篇名为《没有了祖国你什么都不是!!!》的文章。除了恐吓外,还有:算了吧,别瞎折腾了,认命吧,跟着现在的走吧……”     这显然是忽悠,且到墙外忽悠、欲形成“出口转内销”的效果。     于“国家”、“祖国”,我曾应网友之邀写过《什么是爱国主义?》(曾被韩寒剽窃过),之后又写过《什么是爱国主义(二)》。今天,我还说:国家是现在时的--我们和我们生长的耐以生存的这片土地。先有我们,后有国家;没有我们,也无所谓国家。是我们和我们脚下的土地等、构成国家,而不是国家构成我们。祖国,则还包涵着民族、历史、文化等。     “没有了祖国你什么都不是”,明显是忽悠、本末倒置!显然“中华人民共和国”,不能完全等同于“祖国”;“中华人民共和国”,并不包涵民族、历史、文化等--因中共的教科书,骂大清、北洋、民国,阉割历史,一直是认马克思为祖宗;文革中,又“破四旧,立四新”,不要民族文化……如此之国,怎么能说是我们的“祖国”呢、是不是?充其量,不过是中国的现政权罢了。     恰恰相反,中共应当正视的是--没有老百姓,就没有国家、也没有什么“祖国”,更不会有寄生在国家和“祖国”之上的各种政党、权贵、官僚资本等等。     “没有了祖国你什么都不是”,如东来所说“除了恐吓外,还有:算了吧,别瞎折腾了,认命吧,跟着现在的走吧……”,是“精英政治”中的“忽悠政治”,妄图永远奴役我们。     二、“精英政治”,就是炒作政治。2007年,我提出“打倒鲁迅”,撰写了一系列文章,在网络上影响巨大。2008年初,《人民日报》批判我;然,反而使我的影响更大,远远超过新浪用商业手段推出的“老徐”、“韩寒”等。中共为了压制我、抢夺我替老百姓说话的话语权,开始狂炒“韩寒”、为了“韩寒”而封杀我,还威胁要我“喝茶”(见我近日的《解密“韩寒”》及其他)。     如若你识别不清“韩寒”,可再看看孔庆东、司马南、方舟子。     首先,当承认司马南是名人,但,他是过去时的名人。在维基百科的访问量--2012-02-07,我是78;因我爆料王立军,2012-02-08、2012-02-09、2012-02-10,一路飙升为1273、4420、5626……而此时,司马南与孔庆东,只有小几百。这,还是为配合薄熙来举事、在2011年的9月后,孔庆东炒“三妈”和“狗论”、司马南炒“姑娘很生气”等之后得到提升的;之前,我维基百科每日的访问量是几十,他俩访问量是几或十几甚至有时还没有(详见《孔庆东司马南艾未未等都是一伙的》、《王立军战役总结报告》、《王立军事件的民众的关注度》、《王立军的信息量》等等。因为这类文章和顾粉团发起的《向诺贝尔和平奖推荐顾晓军(2013/731篇)》,维基百科在2013年初、封杀了“顾晓军”词条。但,司马南、孔庆东的词条,应该都还在,也应该可以查到2011年之前的)。     说明:我是通过“打倒鲁迅”、“狂挺邓玉娇”和“爆料王立军”等,形成的被关注度。而孔庆东,则是通过“三妈”、“狗论”;而这些没有实际意义,这是有关方面组织伪民主与假毛左进行对炒而形成的。司马南的“姑娘很生气”,也同此理,我有专门的揭露文章。     方舟子问题,则可见《解密“韩寒”》。     其实,韩寒、艾未未、陈光诚等,都是这一套。都是“精英政治”,是“精英政治”中的“炒作政治”,目的是成为所谓“名人”“精英”,而抢占话语权。     三、“精英政治”,就是流氓政治。骆家辉宣布辞职,我在2013-11-21的《骆家辉深陷中共派斗》的开头就说:“‘美国驻华大使骆家辉宣布辞职’、已成为重要新闻,揣测‘骆家辉辞职为当总统?’的有之,质疑他辞职与北京气候相关的亦有之”等等。显然,很多人看不到、我所看到的“骆家辉深陷中共派斗”。被我指出之后,今天、他们跟了过来、发表了《骆家辉任驻华大使中“大惊”的两个时刻》。     可是,他们又耍流氓了。文中的小标题有“深度介入陈光诚事件 参与胡温、周永康与美国三方博弈”,且说什么“陈光诚还在网上发表录影声明,向时任中共国务院总理温家宝提出3项要求,包括彻查山东临沂当局……”等等。     陈光诚向温家宝提出3项要求,当时明显是要挟,记得石三生的第一篇质疑陈光诚事件的文章的标题就是《陈光诚提三条要挟温家宝》,现在怎么竟似陈光诚和温家宝是一边的了呢?     我可以不客气地说:韩寒是“上海帮”,艾未未、陈光诚和公盟及许志永、王功权等是政法委的人,孔庆东、司马南是重庆方面的人,方舟子是反习的……中国的、所有的人造“名人”(无论假装左或右)都是一伙的、都是“既得利益集团”的人。     这,就是“精英政治”,就是“精英政治”中的“流氓政治”。     “流氓政治”就是耍流氓。在我《回应李嘉诚对顾晓军的回应》文后,五毛拼命胡搅蛮缠。我劝五毛别惹我--其一,既然是22日的采访、为何24、25、26不出?如果不是针对我2013-11-26的《解密“新视角”》,为何28日出?再说,谁又能证明是22日的采访?其二,李嘉诚的儿子,不是全国政协常委吗?怎可以说“也绝对没法影响政治”呢?其三,我劝李嘉诚别炒儿子绑架案。其实,那里面破绽挺多,就算我答应“少说或不说”,可我的弟子或前弟子遍天下,我管得了弟子也管不了前弟子是不?     我还能写四、五、六、七……可我不写了,我内急、要上厕所了(“精英政治”,跟我拉的巴巴差不多)。总之,“精英政治”,就是“忽悠政治”、“炒作政治”、“流氓政治”;而“忽悠政治”、“炒作政治”、“流氓政治”的“精英政治”,就是愚民政治(欢迎李嘉诚、骆家辉、韩寒、艾未未、陈光诚、孔庆东、司马南、方舟子、许志永、滕彪等论战)。                   顾晓军 2013-12-3 南京    Decrypt Elite political - GU XIAOJUN ism: change China • two thousand three hundred ninety-three Laborer Gu dough, and just published articles beautiful light shout slogans only harming China, written quite good. However, where said Brick House, Call Beast has become obsolete; tell the truth, this is about my 2009 play, the beast called Brick House, exploiters fine fly and so on. Before Laborer, Gu dough writer classes east, then made a chapter Justices livelihood issues. In the writer class, asked Gu dough is let me see; look, I said: Yes, send it. But, to be issued to the East, I did not give him plus ***. Why? I did not say, want him to enlightenment. Lu Desu outspoken, in the East to keep abreast of Man said:. Livelihood issues, today, the non-fundamental Also, the public is entitled to civil rights is fundamental, the government listen to the peoples livelihood issues easy to solve. This is what I Not to add to the East *** lies. Piles of livelihood, is not lack of Justice? Yes. But I propose, Gu dough in the promotion is Justice first, the supremacy of civil rights, freedom of eternity. Of course, after Lu Desu comments, east to have said: comment makes sense to accept the proposal before you begin to write, I also have to consider this question the idea was placed in the text compared with other respects ........ The correct approach, it is - the title, can be called civil rights is fundamental to solve the livelihood problems; while being in the article, talking about Justices missing. The relationship fell down, would be better and more clearly. I am teaching this man is unreserved. So, will the church apprentice, starved master mean? There it is possible. However, this is the civilian politics! And civilian politics, the difference is elitism. Elitism, a long time. From the clan society, to the imperial system of slavery and the social kingship, and accompanied to the shaman class developed theocratic society, and todays capitalist society, including class theocracy, the actual functioning of the capital in a socialist society, etc. , its political, are elitism. Elitism that can analyze many of its nature, nature, characteristics and so on, but, in order to facilitate teaching, I was from us, and some things happened and talking about recent problems in order to learn and easy to remember - 1, elitism is Fudge politics. East in the hair Justices livelihood issues, a message to me, and said: Also, todays leisure time in the rock wall and found a link titled No country you are nothing !!! In addition to threatening the article, there are: Forget it, Stop messing about, acknowledge your fate, go along now ...... This is clearly flicker, flicker and to the wall, to be formed an export domestic effect. In the country, Motherland, I had written the invitation of friends, What is patriotism? (Plagiarism had been HanHan), and later wrote, What is patriotism (two). Today, I said: when the country is now - we and our growing resistant to the survival of this land. First, we, after the country; without us, it does not matter the country. Is our land and our feet, which form the country, rather than constitute our country. Motherland, you also bear the nation, history, and culture. No country you are nothing, obviously flicker, upside down! Apparently the PRC, can not be fully equated with the motherland; People does not bear ethnic, historical, and cultural - because of the CCPs textbook, cursing Qing, Northern, Republic of China, castration history, has been Marx recognized as fathers; Cultural Revolution, and Four Olds, Four New and not the national culture of the country ...... so, how can it be our homeland mean, is not it? At best, the current regime in China but nothing more. On the contrary, the CCP should face up to is - no people, no country, there is no Motherland, not parasitic on the national political parties and the Motherland, the elite, bureaucratic capitalism, and so on. No country you are nothing, as the East said, In addition to intimidation, there is: forget it, Stop messing about, acknowledge your fate, followed now go ...... and elitism in the Fudge politics in an attempt to enslave us forever. 2, elitism is political hype. In 2007, I moved down with Lu Xun, wrote a series of articles, a huge impact on the network. In early 2008, Peoples Daily criticize me; however, but to make a greater impact on me, far more than Sina launched by commercial means, Xu, HanHan and so on. CCP to suppress me, grabbed my right to speak for the people to speak, began to wild speculation HanHan, to HanHan and blocked me and threatened me to drink tea (see my recent decrypt HanHan and other ). Should you identify clear HanHan, can look Qingdong, Sima Nan, Fang. First, when admitted Sima Nan is a celebrity, but he is a celebrity past tense. In visits Wikipedia - 2012-02-07 I was 78; because I broke Wang Lijun ,2012-02-08 ,2012-02-09 ,2012-02-10, soared to 1273,4420,5626 ... ... but this time, Sima Nan and Qingdong, only a small few hundred. That, or get promoted to tie Bo uprising, in September 2011 after, Qingdong fried three mothers and dog theory, Sima Nan speculation angry girl and after; before I every Wikipedia Visits Day is dozens, They visited a few dozen or even sometimes not (see Qingdong Secretary Ma Nan Ai Weiwei are a group of, Wang Lijun campaign summary report, Wang Lijun public events attention , Wang Lijun amount of information and so on, because these articles and Gu dough initiated Recommended GU XIAOJUN (2013/731) to the Nobel Peace Prize, Wikipedia in early 2013, blocked GU XIAOJUN entry but, Sima Nan, Qingdong entry, should all still there, it should be found before 2011). Description: I was through, Down with Lu Xun, mad Deng Ting and broke Wang Lijun, etc., are formed attention. The Qingdong, it is through the three mothers, dog theory; which has no real meaning, which is a pseudo-democracy organizations concerned with fake hair left on speculation rather be formed. Sima Nan girl is very angry, this is also the same reason, I have a special expose article. Fang problem, you can see decrypt HanHan . In fact, HanHan, Ai Weiwei, Chen Guangcheng, are this set. Are elitism and elitism in the political speculation, aims to become the so-called celebrity, elite, and to seize the right to speak. 3, elitism is a rogue politics. Locke announced his resignation, I was in the beginning 2013-11-21s Locke caught CCP faction fighting, the said: U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke announced his resignation, has become an important news, speculation Locke resigned as president? There, the question of his resignation is also associated with the Beijing climate and so on. Obviously, a lot of people do not see, I see, Locke caught CCP faction fighting. After being me point out that today, they now over, published Locke ambassador to China in the shocked the two moments. However, they bullying it. The text of the subtitle of deeply involved in the event to participate in the Hu-Wen Chen, Zhou Yongkang and the United States tripartite game, Miller says what Chen Guangcheng is still online video statement released to the CPC when Premier Wen Jiabao put forward three requirements, including a thorough investigation of Shandong Linyi authorities ...... and so on. Chen made three requests to Premier Wen was clearly blackmail, remember Shi Sansheng article questioned Chens first event of the title is, Chen Wen Jiabao put three blackmail, now how Chen and Wen Jing Si is the side of it? I can put it bluntly: HanHan is Shanghai Gang, Ai Weiwei, Chen and Xu Zhiyong and public alliance, and so is the king the right person Politics and Law Committee, Qingdong, Sima Nan Chongqing aspects of people, anti-Fang Tsais ...... China , all the artificial celebrity (either pretend left or right) are a group, are vested interests of the people. This is the political elite, is the political elite in the rogue politics. Rogue politics is bullying. After I respond Li Ka-shings response to GU XIAOJUN Man, fifty cents desperately importune. Do not mess with me I advise Fifty Cent - First, since it is an interview 22nd, 24,25,26 why not? If not for me 2013-11-26s decrypt new perspective , Why 28 Sunrise? Besides, who can prove to be interviewed on the 22nd of? Second, Li Ka-shings son, not the CPPCC Standing Committee it? How can we say there is absolutely no way affect politics mean? Third, I do not fry the son of Li Ka-shing to persuade the kidnapping. In fact, it inside a lot flaws, even if I promised less or do not say, But my disciples or former disciples all over the world, I am too busy Guan Dele disciples before his disciples is not? I can write four, five, six, seven ...... I do not write, I urgency, to the toilet (elite politics, Baba told me to pull almost). In short, the political elite is Fudge politics and political speculation, rogue politics; while Fudge politics and political speculation, rogue politics and political elite is stupefying politics (Welcome to Li Ka-shing Locke, HanHan, Ai Weiwei, Chen, Qingdong, Sima Nan, Fang, Xu Zhiyong, Teng Biao, etc. controversy). GU XIAOJUN 2013-12-3 Nanjing Translator: God Has eyes
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 13:37:55 +0000

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