Dedicated to Howard Grief By Prof. Paul Eidelberg, January 5, - TopicsExpress


Dedicated to Howard Grief By Prof. Paul Eidelberg, January 5, 2015,, https://youtube/watch?v=rbrxmJlUykQ, https://youtube/channel/UClM42q53SuEfniigvlwm-8g In his book Perfidy, Ben Hecht cautions, “The ancient Greeks believed that unpunished crimes brought plagues to the people who harbored them. They sought out and punished the evil doers in order to purify human life.” Below is an extract (page 562) from the magnum opus of the late attorney-at-law, Howard Grief, Canadian-born citizen of Israel. The extract is from his monumental work The Legal and Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law (Jerusalem: Mazo Publishers, 2008). This is unquestionably the most authoritative and comprehensive as well as the most candid and courageous work on the subject specified in its title. Mr. Grief set forth various steps he believed should be taken to rectify what, in his judgment, was the illegality of the Israel-PLO Accords of April 13, 1993, popularly known as the Oslo Agreement. This Agreement prompted eight eminent citizens of Israel, including six professors, a former member of the Knesset, and an Israeli ambassador, to file (in the English translation) a 78-page petition dated July 23, 1996, drafted by Mr. Grief and submitted to Israels Supreme Court sitting as the High Court of Justice, which petition is officially designated as HC 3414/96. The Court dismissed the petition on the grounds that it involved a political and not a justiciable issue, even though the petition enumerated various penal laws of the State of Israel allegedly violated by the Oslo Agreement. Of the steps Mr. Grief said should be taken by appropriate authority, only Step 8 will be cited here. However, the present writer was informed by Mr. Grief that, in his opinion, a National Commission of Inquiry should be established to investigate the actions taken by the various Israeli officials and/or spokesmen involved in the evolution of the Oslo Agreement. In Step 8 Grief urges the following action: “To prosecute under the Criminal Code all present and past government leaders who while in office committed or who evinced an intention to commit treason, in regard to giving up sovereign acres of the Jewish country or impairing its sovereignty. In this regard, no honour should be bestowed on the memory of Yitzhak Rabin who as Prime Minister endorsed the criminal process of giving up substantial areas of the Jewish National Home to a terrorist organization, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and of the Golan Heights to Syria, two acts which recklessly endangered the security of the State and, in the case of the PLO, has caused the death of about one thousand five hundred Israelis since 1993 and many thousands wounded and maimed. State prosecution should not be limited to indicting political leaders. It should also be extended to academics and journalists who wrongly believe they have an unfettered legal right to advocate the illegal cession of sovereign territories that belong to the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Israel has more traitors of this kind than any other country in the world. The treasured right of freedom of expression is not a license to advocate treason or any other crime. None other than Supreme Court President Aharon Barak stated in the case of Rabbi Meir Kahane and the Kach Movement versus the Broadcasting Authority and others (H.C. 390/85; 41 [3] P.D. 255), that “freedom of expression did not mean unbridled license”, neither did it mean “freedom to break the law”. Thus, any group, body or individual who illegally advocates by pubic appeals, articles, petitions and private “peace” initiatives and the like, the redivision of united Jerusalem, placing the Temple Mount under Arab “sovereignty”, or the surrender of any other areas of the Land of Israel and the Jewish National Home presently under Israel’s rule – should be duly prosecuted. This will apply in particular to those Israeli citizens or residents who call openly for diplomatic intervention by the United States, the United Nations and the European Union to press Israel to cede so-called “occupied” Jewish patrimonial lands including parts of united Jerusalem on pain of economic, cultural or academic sanctions. These are acts of treason calculated to impair or bring about the surrender of Israel’s sovereignty over its capital city, Jerusalem, as well as Judea, Samaria and Gaza by placing them under the illegal rule of the Palestine Liberation Organization in plain violation of Articles 97(a), 97(b) and 100 of the Penal Code.* By the same token, it is an act of treason to publicly advocate the surrender of the Golan Heights to Syria …” _____________________________________ * Israel’s Penal Law defines four kinds of acts as treason: 1. Acts that impair the sovereignty of the State of Israel – section 97(a); 2. Acts that impair the integrity of the State of Israel – section 97(b); 3. Acts under section 99 that give assistance to an enemy in war against Israel, that the Law specifically states includes a terrorist organization; 4. Acts in section 100 that evince an intention or resolve to commit one of the acts prohibited by sections 97 and 99.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 06:46:04 +0000

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