Dedicated to Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee (on his birthday, - TopicsExpress


Dedicated to Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee (on his birthday, December,25) ************************************************************************ A journey to the India- Pakistan border in bus ************************************************** ( Published in Hindustan Times, Lucknow, Dated: January,4, 04, at page,2 ) ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - ON THE OCCASION OF PRIME MINISTER ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE’S VISIT TO PAKISTAN ************ ********* ********* ********* ************************** Through this rising dust that envelops me all around, My ears can hear a sweet and faint sound. “ Bear this all ! If you wish for happier days, To get your progeny bathed in benign rays. This blessed phase is the opening of a vista new, Its memoirs will mould the people’s future view. This tedium will jolt you out of sleep, To stay cheerful and never to weep. The hearts , the violence of time tended to crack, The souls that were always prone to rack ; Those hearts and souls will see a radiant charm, The pangs of past will get a soothing calm.” Oh! This racing time has brought the evening’s dark, Its gloomy look has begun to make me stark. I fear, like countless yearnings, this too may fall, I might feel, this all as a dreamer’s call. To erect new walls, the callous hands may come again, The incessant sobs and wails may turn in vain. This appalling and horrid dread of night, Makes me nervous and gives me deepest fright. Oh! Is it the bemused mind or visitations from afar? What these fearsome glimpses of white robes are? Shimmering in the long distances of this barren land, Am I flummoxed by the grey patches of sand.? Oh no ! I am conscious, can see them moving fast, My heart is sinking , I am feeling all aghast. Are they evil spirits , coming to block my way,? Or some ethereal beings, wanting to have their say.? Oh! Slowly, slowly, they have gathered round me, Their look is celestial; they are swarming like a hive of bee. The ambient piety that surrounds this angelic scene, Has silenced my storm and made me serene. Oh! Some virtuous words are pouring into my ears, They sound like prescient counsel from the mouth of seers. Within my earshot , the voice now seems to come, I can pick up the sounds from all this hum. “ This desolate landscape through which you pass, Years before was green and covered with verdant grass. A sweep of time turned it into a barren land, Alas ! this all was done by humans’ fiendish hand. The maddened frenzy was never so savage, The swirling maelstrom could never ravage; The emotional strings to the deepest core, Such a rabid hate between brothers was never seen before. Look around through dark with intent gaze, Your eyes can see, if free from blur and haze. Our innocent blood soaked through the soil here, When for brothers, the daggers of brothers had no care. Our piercing groans and agonizing shrieks, Our plaintive wails and cries enthused those freaks. The lasting bonds nurtured through centuries’ love, Were torn apart to the anguish of every dove. The stench of rotten corpses shook the nature’s faith, In human wisdom and its width and breadth. We all are the victims of those strayed minds, Who were blackened by the vitriol of all kinds. Ever since our dolorous spirits have haunted this place, With a determined vow, never to sit in solace; Till this venom is gone and opens the way, For the saner sense to have its final say. This day our apparitions are clad in virgin white, You enjoy the bliss of this enthralling site. The resurgent ties between the brothers of past, Their myopic vision now growing so vast; Have quelled our turmoil and ended our grief, For us your journey is a source of desired relief. Across your travels, make our message all pervasive, ‘ Virtues dawn on those who are not evasive.’ Those whose verve can make them rein in time, Are acclaimed in the annals with every rhythm and rhyme. This eternal verity, you go on singing like song, ”The walls between brothers can endure, not for long.” ************************************************************ From my poetry book Voice of Heart ******************************************** Dr.Mustafa Kamal Sherwani 537 Ch/30, Sherwani Nagar Sitapur Road, Lucknow,U.P. India. sherwanimk@yahoo +91-9919777909
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 14:38:16 +0000

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