Dedicated to The Cause I wish I was that dedicated when it came - TopicsExpress


Dedicated to The Cause I wish I was that dedicated when it came to exercise, eating veggies or studying!! Acts 28:17-31 Reference: He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! (Acts 28:31 NIV) Explore: When I start to read a really good book, I struggle to put it down. I take it with me everywhere so that at any opportunity I can get through another couple of pages. I have read an interesting book whilst stuck in traffic, during my lunch break and even perched up on a treadmill while I exercise. Apart from face-to-face meetings, a good book will work its way into every part of my waking hours! I know it’s a really good book when I’m willing to even forego sleep just to get through the next chapter. Application: I wish I was that dedicated when it came to exercise, eating veggies or studying!! Having read through the book of Acts, it seems that Paul was that enthusiastic about spreading the message of Jesus. He didn’t let anything get in his way. Paul was imprisoned… he spoke about Jesus; Paul was shipwrecked… he spoke about Jesus; Paul was out for dinner… he spoke about Jesus! He was committed all the time, at any time. While reading a book is enjoyable, it’s not often life changing. Imagine if I was as dedicated in speaking about Jesus as I am in reading a good book. Paul gives us such a great example of tenacity in our faith and commitment in our evangelism. Let’s take a leaf out of the Good Book and strive to take every opportunity we have to proclaim God’s grace and love to a lost world. Prayer: Lord, forgive us when we pass up opportunities to show Your love. May we put aside our comfort and our pride to speak Your Name into all situations. Amen. How can you be more diligent in being Christ in our world?
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 05:27:18 +0000

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