Dedicated to col.dr.anil kumar (periodontist) from my - TopicsExpress


Dedicated to col.dr.anil kumar (periodontist) from my heart....................................... On the occasion of teachers day I want to share one of my worst expericience of my professional life.....after completing my ug I wanted to join the clinic for more practise nd experience....being the boys topper of my batch (since girls are always the entire batch topper that I dont know why????? because in the internal exams I used to be the topper but in final professional girls always won the race ....this question is still unanswerable for me??????) I approached lot of my hod and teachers (i do not want to name any one)to allow me to join their clinic ......but they all said that they cant allow me because tomorrow you will be our competitor......I was highly depressed when I saw that they allowed some irregular and backbenchers college batchmates of different locations other than lko to attend the clinic.....perhapes they were not their competitors ........and in such conditions when there was no hope for me as I was also suffering from some personal problems in my life....suddenly by the refrence of dr avinash,,, col.dr anil kumar(periodontist and vice principal) not only gave me his moral support but also allowed me to join his clinic.i was so happy that I forgot all the bed experiences of my personal and professional life.....he gave me full support and when ever he was out of india I handled his full clinic at neera nursing home col. Sir you are the only one to whom I want to remember from my all medical college teachers.........this episode gave me a lesson and now I dont want this thing to happen to any other student.......therfore today on my clinic 4to 5 juniors of various colleges are always there to learn the clinical basics .....I always support them and guide them...and when ever I get a call from any student of any college I warmly welcome him and invite him to my clinic .......because (gyan baatne se hamesha badta hai....) I salute you col.anil kumar sir.....I always feel that your blessings will always enlighten my path of success......
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 06:07:36 +0000

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