the one I will love. :) She lays easy on my mind, - TopicsExpress

   the one I will love. :) She lays easy on my mind, but when spurred, lol, like my horse, she moves like a bat out of hell, lightning we shall say:) She can have bad hair days, I have a little left to have a bad hair day, maybe the same day she has. She doesnt have to like the food I eat, but please at least take one bite, even a half bite, that will be ok, and it will be perfectly fine if she cant chew it and decides to drop it out, any where convenient. :) You can have silent alone time, quiet time, your space, but if we go to Vegas, driving by chance, at least have one conversation with me:) You love how you look, you will always be gorgeous, no matter what, but If you want to work on anything, you are totally allowed in my book. Its more important the kindness in your heart, that the cold applicator for your makeup. You wont grill me over hot coals if I find that like a collector of things (I forgot to properly dispose of or put in its rightful place) they, things, get to be a bit much with this and that around the house and in the closet, preferably you will have a best friend who is a Professional Organizer, and or posses the same skills yourself, as I am probably involved in making a horses tail or putting the eyes on a beautiful tiny Arabian colt, a Paso Finos nose and forehead, or the really cool long hair on a Clydesdales hoof. You know I can add, and its my job to make more money than we need, but if you catch me at the convenience store and I forgot my wallet when I changed my jeans, you wont mind dipping into your bottomless purse and gifting me a few bucks so that I can buy that Monster power drink to assist me on the road to where ever we are going? You love little children, even the brats, you will not freak out if a little hand that had chocolate touched your outfit as you were just getting ready to go out for the night. You will understand and see that quite possibly it is an Autograph of some future famous guitarist or nuclear physicist, and they love you is why you have that hand print to start with? You relay and convey, share and expound, you tell your stories, but there is a dead serious look when it is from the heart, and if I miss a cue, you will rewind and let me know what signal and seriousness level we are working in, codes yellow for not a big deal, red to if you dont listen you are dead:) Just a few things for my friends that I have shared, I cant just have normal mornings all the time, with facebook I get to say whatever I want and so far, no one at my door to take me away, and no fruit thrown at my by anonymous strangers that I happen to meet:) Have an awesome Sunday, make it the best day you ever had, you might not ever get a second chance, live every day like its the gift you have received and that there may be, NO other:) Ive kissed and said goodbye, to never see that loved one again, so I speak from the heart, no flowery bullshit from me. Ciao, to be continued.....
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 18:10:28 +0000

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