Deep Thoughts : Long one Over the last few months I have had the - TopicsExpress


Deep Thoughts : Long one Over the last few months I have had the opportunity to drop off my eldest daughter to the University here in Bradford. Both she and I had to report for our respective duties at the same time each morning. Although blessed in many ways, a house with two bathrooms is not one of them. As you can imagine it got slightly hectic at our home. Both my husband and younger daughter were out the door by 7:30 each morning, leaving the most time consuming individuals to figure out the logistics. While consuming my first cups of coffee, I often went through the day in my head and planned the down to the minute bathroom schedule to get us both out the door in one piece. Needless to say, it did not always play out in the fashion I imagined. We often found ourselves running out the door with coat half on, shoes in hand and a piece of toast on a plate. The 2 mile drive to the campus was generally busy in the car. Watching a teen try to shove food in her face, dress her feet all while being held tightly in her seat belt was often amusing to witness. Somehow she managed to get it all done in haste and was delivered in one piece. Wondrously she walked away from the car looking as if she spent hours on herself and calmly entered into the class wing. I watched and took a sigh of relief. I celebrated the small victory and drove away. I ventured onto Campus Drive, a 25 mph, mile long stretch of road, that although has buildings at both ends is by most accounts bare in the middle. After a few deliveries the road sometimes gave me angst. I had just spent my last hour in a mad rush and now I am forced to slow down on my way to the next thing on my agenda, work. Not only that, after many deliveries the view was not entertaining to me. It had been virtually the same every time I drove it. As I sit here the week after CHRISTmas, I am pondering the similarities of my morning journeys and the journey to CHRISTmas day. Rush, rush, rush then silence. The checklist we make for ourselves to get the day, in which we as Christians celebrate the birth of our Savior is outrageous. If your children are still under your roof and/or you are entertaining at your own home the list seems even longer. I am ashamed to say that after the presents were opened, the prayers said, the dinner served and the dishes washed and put away, I took a sigh of relief. I am not saying that I did not enjoy the day. I did indeed. I am saying however, that all the rush came to the culmination of the great celebration and then I got to breathe. I kind of like breathing. I awakened the next morning still somewhat revved up, with not much on the agenda. The road after Christ’s birthday has become much less busy and I am forced to slow down with much less on my list. Why was I irritated at the silence? I believe that over the years I have come to think that unless in motion or with a constant new agenda, that I will not grow or become stagnant. There is a Bible verse I am wrapping myself around these coming months. Psalm 46:10 says, Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Many times I have heard or read this verse with and paid no attention to the second half, which ensures us that through the stillness, He will be exalted. Wow! This illumination of the word is transforming my thinking today. I do not need to keep adding to the checklist in order to be considered successful or worthwhile. I am finding that in the stillness I am able to hear Him clearer and prepare for what may come.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 22:03:06 +0000

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