Deep breath... I cant believe that at this time just last week, - TopicsExpress


Deep breath... I cant believe that at this time just last week, John and I were in the esteemed company of Griffin Tucker, Kimberly Tucker, Bryan Tucker, Jonathan Michael Jones (AKA Jonezy), Sapphire and family and not forgetting Kevin Mercer who generously gave us a lift to the travel lodge when the nights frivolities had finally expired! At the risk of becoming overtly effusive, I feel it would be wrong of me to let this event in my life pass without making one of my rare (and perhaps infamous!) philosophical comments about the situation. It has caused me to pause and consider and, in small and large ways, it has changed me. I have always managed my wonderful Gaitway Brothers with great joy, but also an overwhelming sense of confusion and apprehension. Folk are quick to judge the evils of the internet and, yes, they are very real. Many people have had negative experiences with cyber-bullying and dodgy characters trying to access children. Frankly, I block several such profiles every week. It is demoralising, depressing and can make one despair of humanity. But... There is also light. Friends, we are witnessing the emergence of a new movement. Independent musicians of all nationalities, genres and ages are springing up and showing their fans genuine gratitude and appreciation. Friendships are being forged across nations and over oceans; relationships that are real and lasting. Judgements and elitism are being swept aside in favour of the greater joy of connecting and conversing with other people who want to fill the earth with music. Am I naive, or worse? Why do I spend such time and effort supporting young artists? Have I betrayed my own (being a classical, conservatoire trained musician and all) in embracing the indie music scene? I would love to answer these and any other questions but so often find that folk have their minds already fixed. Believe the worst if you wish, but know this: I was a sceptic and now I am a believer! I have seen that of which I speak. I have met others who have seen it. And what I have seen is awesome in the original sense of the word. I used to think that music could change the world... now I am sure of it! I dont want to be part of a world that judges, criticises and complains more that it encourages, supports and praises. Friends, the celebrity culture that drives the music industry at the moment is a disaster! Who does it help? Most celebrities end up seriously depressed, distressed or just messed up, and it is no surprise. Setting people up on a pedestal only to throw rotten fruit at them? We are better than that, surely. Why do our children crave something that will very likely destroy their lives? Do we need any more evidence? Im sure I do not have to name names - you know exactly what Im taking about. Yes, I think we are seeing a new era. Out of the darkness of the internet, a light is shining and an army is marching! (Could be that the captain is a 12 year old rock star from Texas #JustSaying I would follow him gladly - and not just on Twitter!) Beyond the deep problems of social media and the hopelessness of the technological age, something wonderful is happening... I pray that our fear and cynicism will not cause us douse the fire before it begins to burn.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 00:07:57 +0000

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